Picture taken in the Stan Watson Building when Board 'found'.
I have been working on short stories about the men who served during WW1 and whose names are on the Edwardstown Memorial Board. This board was proudly displayed at the Edwardstown Institute Building until the late 1980s, when it was moved to Warradale Army Barracks. The Institute was being demolished.
It was thought that the Board was lost as no one knew where it was - from the council that is. However, it had been carefully taken by the Army at Warradale, and placed respectfully within a new building - the Stan Watson Building, opened in 1986, a special wall had been built for its display. I have written a short story about Lt Col Watson as he was from nearby area of Plympton - in the People section.
There has been a lot of publicity around WW1 the past few years and I did want it to be remembered in our council area. However, the information I had and wanted to share was not taken up, so this post. For most of the names I also have done a little research on their family trees and the stories of the men and women who served will try to give a deeper picture of each person - where were they born - who were their parents and what did they do before they marched into unknown countries holding rifles in their hands?
Each soldier - each man - has a story. Some are long, while others are short. However, they are equally important to us and to history.
As there is so much information available online and in Australian War Memorial and the National Archives I have chosen to put in a few names only on this blog. I am working on a complete list and story of all the men on the Edwardstown War Memorial Board.
One good site to look at, is the AIF Project which has been done by volunteers.
ADAMS Leonard Ray SERN 4051 Pte 27th Batt KILLED IN ACTION
Was born 20.6.1896 Edwardstown - the eldest child of Alfred and Eliza Jane (nee Young) Adams
The parents were married in 1894 and Eliza was born 1870 in Edwardstown to Charles and Eliza nee Carpenter.
Leonard's father Alfred was born to George and Louisa (nee Tilly) who had married in 1857.

Another interesting connection to the area is that Leonard's sister Eileen married Victor Swift after the war. Both families lived in Price Street, Edwardstown and both lost a son. Raymond Swift was also KIA. His mother Mrs Swift had six sons in service and was instrumental in the planting of memorial trees in Messines Avenue, Edwardstown. These trees have survived to this day.
As Leonard was not 21 (under age in those days), he could not go overseas without his parents' consent. His father Alfred signed for his son on the 11.12.1915.
Pte Adams served in Egypt and the Western Front before being Killed in Action in Pozieres on the 4th August 1916. He had embarked from Adelaide in May 1916, so less than 6 months later he was dead - and only 20 years of age. He was buried in the field by the Rev Dexter, but after the war, his body was exhumed and re-buried in Picardie, France.
Leonard was reported missing on the 4th Aug, however, it was not until October or thereabouts that he was officially recorded as deceased and January 1917 before his parents were officially notified of their son's death.
If you are interested in knowing more, there is a beautiful story - a letter written to Leonard by Sophie Mae Hodges in 2016 with more on Leonards family including copies of letters after his death. . https://veteranssa.sa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Sophie-Mae-Hodges.pdf
https://vwma.org.au/explore/people/101 Virtual War Memorial story of battle and more information on Leonard.
ANGUS John Hartley SERN 2758 1st Aust Camel 8th Reinforcements
Died of illness while POW
John Angus died while a prisoner of war in Turkey 18.11.1917 from illness - Chronic enteritis.
He was buried Baghdad North Gate War Cemetery Iraq.

John was the third son born 20.7.1888 Norwood to John and Sarah (nee Box) Angus. John Snr was born in Liverpool England to John and Eliza nee Hartley. Eliza was widowed when she and two sons, John and Robert emigrated to South Australia. They settled in Edwardstown - around ' Angus Avenue'. A pathway that led to a lane to a an Avenue that still survives. Descendants of this pioneering family still can be found living in the area to this day.
John Hartley enlisted in March 1915 - a single man aged 28 - a farmer. I wonder how a farmer from Edwardstown would have felt becoming part of the Camel battalion?
There are letters in the Australian War Memorial from the Red Cross and from Turkish officials in reference to his internment and death. It appears to me that John was injured, which perhaps led to his capture and subsequent death leaving behind his parents and six siblings.
Angus Avenue, Edwardstown. Green leafy road - wider than the lane that John left. Two homes on the left would have been there when John was last at home.
BANNING Walter SERN 274 Pioneer Sgt 'D' 32nd Batt MM
Walter Banning arrived in Australia in 1911 as a 42 year old agriculturist. Wife and 7 children came over in 1912.
He enlisted 25.9.1914 when aged 44 years and 1 month - at Morphettville. He was married, a groom and living on Bay Road, Plympton (off William Road). Although he should have only served in Australia because of his age, he managed to get overseas - again. He had been a profession soldier prior to emigrating to South Australia.
Sgt Banning had served 14 years in the Kings Royal Rifles and many other places overseas, including the Boer War before coming to Australia.
He was wounded in November 1916 and discharged 1.8.1917 as medically unfit.
Promulgated award Commonwealth of Australia Gazette 184 - 14.12.1916 Bravery. Vice London Gazette 29758 16. This was the last of many award and medals Sgt Banning had received over the years of military service.
When he was 75, in 1937, and interviewed for an article in the South Australian newspapers, he told of his life in the army, and how he met his Scottish wife when she was serving as a nurse.
The couple died in 1948 just months apart. He was buried in the AIF cemetery at West Terrace Cemetery.
To read his fascinating life story in newspapers - Trove - 14.6.1937 The News Adelaide page 2
Date of London Gazette 16.8.1917 London Gazette Page 8426 position 25.
Born 1891 to Samuel Anthony and Nellie (nee Stone) Barber. Alfred attended Plympton Public school. His Obit in the Observer 27.4.1918 (Trove) p 39 States that Sgt Barber enlisted Jun 1915, but 'was unfortunate' contracting meningitis a couple of months later and so left Australia in Feb 16. He was wounded in August 1916 and in January 1917 he rejoined his unit. July 1917 he was awarded the Military Medal for bravery in action and promoted to
Sergeant. KIA 28th March 1918. Father died in 1913 mother in 1920. Next of kin was his brother Samuel - one of three siblings.
BARCLAY David Robert SERN 6391 SAPPER 11th Field Engineers.
Born 10.8.1875 Goolwa to parents James and Grace Grant (nee Barr) Barclay.
Sapper Barclay enlisted 3.9.1915 Adelaide, aged 40 years, married with 5 children and living in Edwardstown. 1917 street directory shows a Mrs BarKla (sic) residing in Edwardstown Working Men's Blocks. His married Margaret Millar in 1903 and had five children - before his return to Australia in 1918, another child had been born.
Embarked Sydney 21.3.1916 and disembarked 24.4.1916 Alexandria.
3.8.1916 Transferred to Cookery School at Weymouth England. 26.1.1917 Overseas to France until May 1917 when he was ill and from this time, he was serving in the field, in hospital, in/out until December of that year.
27.5.1918 Medical Discharge - age and haemorrhoids - had served nearly 3 years
David Barclay died 7.9.1931 in Kadina Hospital and is buried at West Terrace Cemetery.
The Chronicle (Adelaide SA 1895-1954) 24.9.1931 (taken from Trove Newspapers) says in its obit for David Barclay, that he was the youngest son of a Captain James Barclay of Goolwa. The latter gentleman was one of the pioneers of the River Murray.
David had been born in Goolwa and worked firstly as a butcher, then as an engineer on the Steamer Cadell at Port Broughton. He served in WW1 as an engineer and upon returning, once again worked as an engineer on steamers on the River Murray.
When he died, it was said he left a widow and a sister, Mrs William Byrnes of Currency Creek.
Son David Robert Barclay enlisted WW2 at age 36. Service no 8904 At Laverton RAAF base. Served 2 years.
BARRY James Burns SERN 3238 Pte 10th Batt 11th Reinforcement KIA
Born 1891 near Edwardstown, to parents James Burns and Martha Ann nee Layton BARRY, Edwardstown, South Australia. James went to Plympton State school and became a french polisher by trade. As with many lads who enlisted from the Edwardstown district, James had worked at Pengelleys furniture factory on South Road. When he enlisted, Pte Barry was age 25 and living with his parents in Glandore, Black Forest.

His enlistment date was 26th July 1915 and in just over 12 months, Pte Barry, who had been transferred to the 50th Batt, was KIA 4.9.1916 at Pozieres.
Mid August 1916 Barry was wounded in action in France, and the next day he was admitted to hospital suffering from shell shock. A week later he was discharged to duty and died the following week. Killed in Action. Leaving his parents, 3 sisters and a brother to mourn their loss.
James Barry senior worked for the Advertiser for over 50 years.
BARWIS Alfred George SERN 650 Pte 1st Australian Remount Unit.
Alfred was a Colt Breaker who had enlisted 20.9.1915. There were many men like him who were taken on to work with the horses. There had been many problems transporting horses over to the war zone. Many of the soldiers had taken their own horse, but they were unable to sail on the same ship.
So many men, often those who may have been rejected as too short or such - such as a great uncle of mine - were enlisted solely to ship horses safely across to the war zones. Banjo Paterson - Australian poet and war correspondent served as a major in this capacity - 1915 he would have been 51 years of age. Some stayed on for a period of settling the animals in. Then the units were disbanded. Alfred returned to Australia at the end of April 1916 for that reason.
Alfred George Barwis was born in Stone Hut on the 16.5.1886 to George and Janet nee Campbell Barwis.
Years after returning home Alfred met and married Emma Jane Anderson nee Baldock in Mary 1926 at Methodist Parsonage, Mile End. Both were age 38, and Emma was a widow,
Alfred died 30.8.1966 at Daw Park Hospital and it is stated his residence was Plympton North.
Cpl Barwis was connected to the Brown and Johns families from South Plympton. He had allotted some of his pay to Eva Johns, the daughter of Mrs Emma Johns - both noted dairy farmers, while he was serving.
The photo below is of Cpl Barwis from the Observer 19.2.1916. http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/164658703?searchTerm=%22cpl%20barwis&searchLimits=l-decade=191
BAWDEN Albert Victor SERN 13431 T/ SGT Army Medical Corps.
Parents George Jeffrey and Eliza Emily (nee Bayley) Bawden. Albert was born 8.2.1895 in Edwardstown. The family lived in Raglan Avenue, Edwardstown up to the 1940s.
Albert was single and working as a teacher.
When he enlisted he was 23 years old and his mother was NOK. Albert had already served 3 years in the AMC and 8 months in the 7th AGH before enlisting in the AIF.
August 1916 in Etaples Pte Bawden joined the 3rd Field Ambulance and proceeded to France.
N0 54 AGH in June 1915 until Feb 1916.
December 1918 he was promoted to T/Sgt and transferred from France to HQ in London.
Married May Elizabeth Hunt in 1920. Their first child was born at "Ken-Melva" Private Nursing home in Raglan Avenue. Edwardstown. The couple were living Cowper Rd Glandore Black Forest. Albert went back to teaching after his return to Australia, and did very well.
1940 Headmaster of Birdwood High School and later on an inspector for schools.
Mr Bawden died 1984.
BONE William Horace SERN 14107 Driver 13th 'F' Coy Eng.
Born 1895 in London, England. Came to Australia in June 1911 on the "Commonwealth" with his parents, two brothers and a sister. He was aged 18 and a joiner in civilian life.
Enlisted 11.10.1915 at Adelaide. Joined the Miners' Corps in November 1915. Embarked 20.4.1916 . Wounded in France 2nd September 1916. In November he was back in the field. 29.11.1916 he was temporarily detached from 13th Field Coy for temporary duty with Aust Div Pack Transport Troop until 5.2.1917. Had a lot of illness in 1917 and 1918.
Discharged 6.2.1919 medically unfit and disembarked for Australia 24.12.1918 with a fractured ankle.
Married Ivy Florence Nicholls 19.1.1915 Baptist Church, Goodwood. His wife died 25.5.1920 after the birth of a son and he married Dorothy Edith Gibbon in 1921. Possibly died in New Zealand in 1959. Was in Adelaide in 1952 I think. Rostrum.
As an interesting tidbit. William had a son Frank James Bone who served in the Australian Army from 1940 to 1945. 31298 (VX1795). He stated on his file that he was born 31.10.1919 - however, the truth was that he was born 31.10.1922. His sister Muriel Gladys Bone was a Corporal in the Australian Air Force.
BRADFORD Cyril Frederick (brother of below) SERN 2608 Pte 8th/16th
Enlisted Jan 19, 1915 in Oaklands.SA age 18, NOK was mother Mrs E Bradford of Parkside,
Served in Egypt then Embarked from Alexandria October 1915 to join Unit at Mudros. Rejoined unit in BEF in France 1.6.1916 where he was very badly wounded on the 25 August 1916 with GSWs to head, hand and leg. Transferred to 3rd London General Hospital where his condition was said to be 'dangerous' . Discharged in Australia 10th October 1917 medically unfit for service.
Cyril married Doris Sweetman in 1918 and died 20.7.1973, interred Centennial Park.
BRADFORD Ray Percival SERN 2340 Pte 7/10th Batt.
Died Illness Malta 24.10.1915

Brother Cyril b 1894 had enlisted in January 1915.
Ray was born to Frederick and Eliza nee Loughhead Bradford in 1896 in Hackney, South Australia. His parents were living on South Road, Edwardstown at the end of the war, and moved to Barrelda Road, Lower Mitcham by 1920. We know this because his father signed for medals and one of these was witnessed by a Mr J M Mathias (JP).
Brother Cyril Frederick Bradford 2608 Pte 8th/16th Served in Egypt then France where he was very badly wounded August 1916 and brought back to Australia July 1917. His mother appears to have written and signed the consent form for Cyril, while it seems that father wrote the one for Ray.
BRICE Eric Clive SERN 1638 Pte 48th Infantry
Enlisted 2.3.1916 in Adelaide.
Pte Brice was wounded in action February 1917, 28th Feb, June 1917. July 1917 Eric had influenza and then trench fever within one week. Was in England hospitals from August 1917 until April 1918 when he was back in France. KIA 5.8.1918 in France.
Two of Eric's cousins also died while serving in the AIF.
They were G B Lillecrapp SERN 1784 and F R Lillecrapp SERN 3395
BROOK Frank Richmond QUERY I Have F
Richard Frank BROOK 6968 Adelaide SA Jockey Forrestville S 32 mother Mrs M Schultze Victoria St FOrrestville SA
Pte Broughton was born in London, UK C1879 and until he enlisted, was a horse keeper aged nearly 33 years of age. When he enlisted in 1914, his wife and family were living in South Road, Edwardstown.
He served in the Middle East and Africa for more than 4 years, arriving home in 1919.
Died 4.12. 1942 at the Repat leaving behind his wife Florence; children George and Florence, and grandchildren Verna, Harold, Bobbie and Peter. Age 63.
BROWN Albert Edward check
December 1915 William was dangerously ill in Heliopolis. Feb he was back in action in France and was only there for four months before he died. His obituary states that he was the fifth son of Sidney and the late Susan Brown She died 16 July at Richmond
1910 eldest daughter of S Moyle Tumby Bay age 42 1887 married Susan Jane and SIdney William Stephen Moyle born 1897

KIA 29.6.1916 in the Field in France.
BUGG FAMILY - 3 Brothers and 1 cousin
BUGG Percy SERN 1353 Gunner 16th BATT 3rd Reinforcement
Percy was born 1896 to Henry George Bugg and Margaret Campbell born Adelaide 1896. He was a grocer and age 19 when he enlisted 8.12.1914. NOK was mother Mrs M Bugg, Eton Street, Redfern, Clarence Park. He served in Gallipoli, Egypt and the Western Front and came home Jan 1919.
Percy married Jessie Audrey Vertue 1926, and he died - suddenly it seems - 8.6.1938 at the Hawker Hospital.
Jessie lived at 21 Jeans Ave, St Leonards with their son Richard Dean Bugg born 1928. In the Advertiser of 1st of June, 1938 there is a note that "friends of Mr Percy Bugg will be interested to learn he is leaving for Angorichina Hostel on Friday". Under Sub-Branch News.
Advertiser 9.6.1938 "Gunner 39 Modbury 10th Brigade AIF ...remains brought back from Hawker by plane for funeral at AIF cemetery West Terrace."
BUGG Robert Campbell SERN 8829 Driver Light Horse Train 4
Born 1887 to Par Henry George and Margaret Campbell. Brother of Percy and Walter. Was a blacksmith and lived in Gouger Street, Adelaide when he enlisted 12.1.1915. Served in France. Discharged 21.3.1919. His wife was Gladys Mary Welsh whom he married in 1913 and they had three sons. Leonard Walker Robert Bugg born and died 1915, John Henry Bugg (age 11) died 1924, wife Gladys and son James Percival Bugg (born 1921) died in 1921. What a sad life for Driver Bugg!
In 1925 Robert was in a dingy at Outer Harbor with his mate George Cann (see below) when they were run down by the Govt tug Tandanya. Robert was saved, but George lost his life.
World War 2 Service
30 May 1941: | Involvement Citizen Military Forces (CMF) / Militia - WW2, Private, SN S32312, 25th/33rd Garrison Battalion, Homeland Defence - Militia and non deployed forces | |
30 May 1941: | Enlisted Citizen Military Forces (CMF) / Militia - WW2, Private, SN S32312, Loveday, South Australia | |
11 Sep 1943: | Discharged |
Robert died in 1959.
BUGG Walter Gladstone SERN 3617 Pte 13th Field Artillery
Walter was born in 1898 to parents Henry George and Margaret Campbell.
Enlisted 8.9.1916 and his mother was next of kin living at Eton Street, Redfern. Mother gave permission for Walter to join up on the condition he did not go overseas until he was 19.
He came home 1919 and married Stella Eva Maude Phillips the same year. Walter died 3.3.1935 Adelaide only 36 years of age. Buried AIF cemetery West Terrace. 6 sons up to 1928.
BUGG Leslie Thomas SERN 4989 Pte 32nd Batt
Born 1888 to Thomas William Bugg and Susannah Dixon and thereby, first cousin to Percy, Robert and Walter Bugg (see above). Enlisted 23.6.1916 Served in France and was wounded twice. The second time - gunshot wounds from his shoulder down to his ankle.
Leslie married Florance Cotter in 1910 and she remarried as a widow in 1935 in SA.
Had a son John Leslie Bugg who died in Wodonga Military Hospital - Sgt L T (Jack) Bugg 149 A.G.T. Coy. AIF late of Redfern SA. He was a despatch rider, and his death was as a result of an accident.
There was a court case 1915 re non payment of maintenance to State Children's Dept and he was ordered one month's imprisonment. Also in Feb 1923 of Loveday, a Leslie Thomas Bugg was involved in car and tram accident at Lockleys, and afterwards collapsed and taken to hospital where he refused to tell identity. A similar sort of accident, a Leslie Thomas Bugg driving a motor car collided with a tram, but this time it was in Qld and two of his passengers were injured.
BURDETT Abraham SERN 3129 Gunner 111th Howitzer Batt
Born 25.6.1887 in Quorn par William and Ada Lavinia (nee Lehman) Burdett
Abraham enlisted at Keswick in June 1915. He was aged 28, married with 2 children, an iron moulder, and lived at Pleasant Avenue, Black Forest. When he was medically discharged in July 1916, he was a gunner in 111th Howitzer Batt. On enlistment it has NOK was Violet Martha Burdett (wife) however his first wife Ellen Sarah had died in October 1914, and he remarried in 1917 to a Dorothy Richards and had two more children. He died age 70 in 1957 Glandore and is buried in Derrick RSL gardens at Centennial Park.

This is a photo of a US Howitzer.
Parents Robert Brough Button and Phoebe White. At age 29, Alfred left 1894 London to Adelaide on OROTAVA
Alfred was born in England. Kent. Is brother of Hedley below.
Alfred enlisted 2.8.1914 was born in Woolwich Kent , plumber and Tinsmith. He was living at 39 William Street Forbes with his wife Phillipa Maria nee Smedley.
He was a Warrant Officer in 1DUS
9.11.15 promoted 2nd Lieut Gallipoli Peninsula. Daughter Myra Lily Olsen applied for Gallipoli medal in 1947 as his father was deceased. Alfred went to Sth Africa 1920 became a Captain - died 13.11.1953 South Africa. Phillipa died 30 May 1930, Southwark. SA
(In 1913 there was ad in the paper that any poultry found on his Allotment 155 William Street Forbes will be killed.)
BUTTON Hedley (Robert) SERN 2658 Sgt Depot Unit of Supply 1, Army Service Corps 11
Pte Button was born 22.12.1895 Nr Scotts Creek, Mt Barker to Robert Brough Button and Phoebe nee White.
When he enlisted, was working at Pengelley's of Edwardstown and living William St,Vermont. Was serving in 1st Depot Unit of Supply as did a Lieut A - his brother.
Robert married 12.8.1922 St Ann's Church, Marion to Abi May Newport. He died 1.71979 - cremated at Centennial Park.
In the Australian Archives there is an application for Trade Mark titled Grinnell Automatic Sprinkler and Fire Alarm in respect of automatic fire sprinklers - by Hedley Button?
CANN George Edwin SERN 6736 Pte 10th BATT
George was born c1887 in Fitzroy, Victoria but was living in South Australia in 1913.
He enlisted on the 15th December, 1915 and his occupation was said to be wood machinist.
Was temp attached to 177 tunnelling coy and wounded- GSW in March 1918 - in France.
Pte Cann married Elsie May Blackmore. They had one child. His occupation was wood machinist.
He died in April 1925 at Outer Harbor when the dinghy he and his friend were in, capsized after being run down by Govt tup. m An interesting aside to this is that the mate was Robert Campbell Bugg - a soldier mentioned above.

Advertiser 23.4.1925 P12.
During the war, his wife moved to many addresses, among which two connect them to Edwardstown - Angas Rd Cottonville and Dudley Ave, Edwardstown. Neighbours were also his mates from the army.
CANNON Mornington SERN 2088 Pte 43rd BATT
Born 4.2.1896 to William and Emily (nee King) Cannon in Hindmarsh.
Enlisted 18.11.1915 at Adelaide. He was nearly 20 years of age and working as a blacksmith.
NOK was Mother Mrs Emily Cahill of Plympton
Wounded in action 11.6.1917 after two years and 66 days he was discharged for Medical reasons for wounds received on active service.

His regiment was 43rd Batt late 14/3rd Light Horse and proceeded to France.
Taken on strength 1st LHRR in Middle East until June 1916 when he was transferred to Hospital ship for England. Admitted to hospital with Synovitis.
In September that year he transferred to the 43rd Bn
Served France in the Field from April to 16th June 1917 when he was severely wounded. With Gunshot wound to his back with damage to vertebrae. Transported to England in August.
Discharged 27.5.1918
Married Mary Jane Oates in 1926 in Adelaide (she died in 1931)- he then married Constance Beth Searle in 1931.
Not enough war and wounds - Monty enlisted Australian Army SN S3412 15.October 1941 until March 1943 when he would have been about 47 years of age. Served with RRD Staff during this time. Did not go overseas.
Mornington or Monty as he was called, died 1977 in South Australia.
Poss Related to Lester Piggott through another Mornington Cannon --famous jockey.
CASKEY Kenneth James SERN 3244 Gunner 11/12 Batt
Pte Caskey born 1897 in Adelaide, the eldest of 5 children to Charles and Annie Josephine (nee Sheridan) Caskey.

Enlisted July 1915 at Keswick stating his occupation as blacksmith and by July 1916 he was in France as a shoeing smith. Came home Jan 1919 with 'defective hearing'. Having been overseas for nearly 4 years. His mother had signed a permission letter to allow her son to go overseas as he was under the age of 21.
Kenneth married Alice Boucher in Sydney June 1925. Divorced in NSW 1935.
11th Field Artillery Bde Gunner RTA 2.1.1919. Died 1961 in New South Wales
CHESTER Henry William SERN 1678 Pte 27th Batt 2nd Reinforcement
Henry Chester enlisted in May 1915 and stated he was aged 28 years and 5 months of age. A Sawyer by trade. By December 1915 Henry was at Gallipoli and was hospitalised many times with serious illness including Typhoid Fever. February 1917 Pte Chester was in France and attached to the Tunnelling Coy. He returned to Australia in March 1919.
Henry married Annie Eliza who died in 1941. When he died 19th January, 1951, he had been living at 235 Goodwood Road, Springbank.
Buried Centennial Park Cemetery.
CLARK John Leo SERN 12707 Pte 11th Field Ambulance
Born 1894 Norwood to John James and Margaret Agnes (nee Power) Clark.
John was a coach builder at Clarence Park and had his mother Margaret as next of Kin on his papers when he enlisted on the 16.2.1916.
May 1917 John was in France when he was appointed driver in August of that year.
Before coming home in 1919, Driver Clark was granted leave with pay for 2 months to work with Mansions Motor Garage in London to learn the new engineering for his work when he returned to Australia.
John Leo Clark married Margaret Jane Hogan in 1925
1926 John was shareholder in a new company registered in South Australia, Clark Company limited at South Road, Edwardstown.
Both John and Margaret were buried at Centennial Park Cemetery, he in 1958 and she twenty years later.
CLARKE John George SERN 491 Pte Camel Corp 11th LH
Born c1883 Edwardstown, South Australia. Married Mary Immaculate Slattery in 1910.
Enlisted November 1914 at Oaklands. Address Glendose, Black Forest.
John George served on Gallipoli Peninsula and in Egypt - became ill with malaria in November 1915 - recurring often needing hospitalization.

After nearly 3 years, John was discharged due to debility in Oct 1917. I found part of his story telling of the Camel Corp a very interesting read.
© IWM (Q 50892)
Died 3.8.1928 at 3 Edward Street, Glandore age 43 - formerly worked as a driver for the Waterworks. Buried WTC.
COLLLEY brothers went to England when war broke out, enlisted there Their home in SH was "Battersea Park - Edwardstown - former home of Ragless) The family was well connected Colley Reserve named after their ancestor. Colley Cavendish L GS/59574 Pte Royal Fusiliers 1898
Colley Knox L Dvr French Red Cross and M/3225 24 RASC 12.2.1885 GLenelg (Known in the 1915 papers as Lister).
Colley NL Lieutenant/Temporary Capt Army Service Corps - Mentioned in despatches
Colley Neville Lister - Lieutenant RASC - Salonika Forces B 1886 son born 22.6.1886 Glenelg no bc
COLLEY K L - K Lester Colley of “Battersey Park Edwardstown
enlisted in England with other family members
COLLEY L C Cavendish L Service NO GS/59574 Private with the Royal Fusiliers
Archive ref WO372/4 Campaign Medal Index Cards and Silver War Badge Card
married 12.2.1924 Presbyterian Church Collins st Melbourne to Miss Victoria Mary (Queenie) Spence.
COLMER Henry SERN 3782 Pte 9/27th
Born Silverton, New South Wales 1889 to John and Florence Colmer, said he was age 26, a widower with no children and next of kin his mother Florence Edith Colmer - living South Road, Edwardstown at the time of his enlistment. This was September 1915. Adelaide. Henry had been married to Verity Muriel Colmer who died June 11, 1911. They had married the previous year.

April 1916 Joined 50th Battalion and proceeded to Heliopolis. Then to France where he was wounded in action. In England with Shell Shock and other injuries. May 1918 Pte Colmer was KIA in France. He was killed on April 25th !918 - his 29th Birthday. Lost to his mother E F Colmer of Edwardstown.
COMPTON Herbert SERN 5330 PTE 10th Batt
Born in Brighton England and coming to Australia with his parents when he was 4 years old. Attending Launceston State School, Tasmania, but living in Goodwood Road, Mitcham Park with his wife Amy Cecil (nee Shobbrook) when he enlisted 31.1.1916.
He was aged 35, and working as a cabinet maker. They had a daughter Grace Sarah Compton born 1910. Amy Cecil Compton died 1977.
Insurance was through S.A.Grand United Order of Tree Gardeners - Goodwood Park.
April to June 1916 Pte Compton became A/Cpl 17th Rfts 10th Battallion. During July 1916 he was serving with the 3rd Tunnelling Batt and requested reverting back to Pte.
Herbert was injured - gun shot wound to shoulder while serving in the Somme in was transferred to hospital in England - December 1916.
Back to France 25th January 1917 - Killed in Action two weeks later - 7th February 1917.

COOMBS Tressilian Herbert SERN 468 10th Batt
Tressilian Coombs enlisted 24.8.1914 at Morphettville. He had been born in 1893 New aGlenelg, to Thomas and Emily Adelaide nee Humby and was schooled in Cherry Gardens.
At age 21 he was a bricklayer and living with Mrs Vick, Raglan Avenue, Edwardstown possibly because his parents were living in Strathalbyn.

Wounded GSW leg April 1915 . 12th August, 1915 Pte Coombs was taken to hospital Anzac then embarked from Gallipoli on H S Valdivia where he died from enteric fever on the 16th of August 1915 at 4am - At Sea. Buried at Lemnos. Leaving behind his parents and 2 siblings. Just under one year from enlistment to death. RIP
COTTER William Edgar Joseph Dvr 30730 24 HB [Howitzer Brigade]
Enlisted poss twice 1st Mitcham SA then Maribyrnong Vic Dcr 3rd DAC enlisted Feb 1916 and coming home 1919 from England
He was a clerk in Stock Exchange. Par Michael and Mary Agnes on his papers but birth has Mary Griffin they married 1889.
William Edgar mar 1922 Eileen Marshall Dist Ade he died 1965 she 1964
COULSON George SERN 4140 Pte 13th Reft 16th Batt and 48th Batt
George and his brother Joseph (see Below) were born in London, England.
George in 1893 and Joseph 1806 to William Coulson and Ellen (nee Warren).
After their mother died, the family of 8 emigrated to South Australia 1911.
Both lads enlisted on the same day 23.8.1915 - Sern no's are consecutive
Father William lived at Dudley Ave, Clarence Park, Goodwood.
Pt Coulson was taken on strength by 48th Batt in Tel-el-Kebir, March, 1916, Five months later in August 1916, he was badly wounded with GSW to his back, and repatriated to England.
July 1917 he was classified as B.1.a and back in France serving with AIBD for the Co of 48th Batt and base only duties..
October 1918 he was detached to the Aust Corp School - in December to 4th Div Signal School. Arrived in Adelaide in June 1919.
COULSON JOSEPH SERN 4141 Pte 48th Batt and 13/16 Batt
Brother of above, lab, single age 20 and father info same as above and enlisted same day as his brother 23.8.1915. He was aged 20 at the time 13/16th Batt There is a pay book on Nat Archives but his file is not able to be opened at this time.
However, it is known he also served on the Western Front. and returned home to Australia in 1919.
WORLD WAR 2 Joseph Coulson enlisted 16.7.1943 at age 48 when living at Edwardstown. He was married and became a Signalman. Was posted at PMG signals. I would call him a brave and patriotic man.
Joseph died in 1975.
COWIN David Harold SERN 2587 Pte 5/32nd BATT
Born in Goodwood and married to Clara His address was Ormond Ave, Edwardstown SA and he worked as a polisher, probably at one of the furniture makers in the area. Related to the following two soldiers.
COWIN Norris Clegg SERN 6222 Pte
Norris was born 1893 in Goodwood and when he enlisted 16.8.1915 in Adelaide, he was living withhis family at Ormond Ave, Edwardstown East.
Norris was 22 and nok was mother Mrs D J Cowin
15.2.1916 he was posted to HQ in Cairo. On the 15th April 1916 T.O.S 24th How Bde and posted to 111th Bty at Serapeum where a month later he was appointed temporary driver.
July 1916 was appointed driver in France.when he was transferred to 11th F.A.B.
Belgium 6.10.1917 KIA.

Mother Adela Janet Cowin was stated to be deceased, eldest brother Walter fighting overseas, so NOK was sister Miss W Cowin.
COWIN Thomas Alexander SERN 1845. Pte 2nd/ 5th Pioneer Batt
Enlisted March 13 1916 Adelaide, age 39. Born C1877 in Port Louis, Mauritius. A motor drive who was married to Roubina Zoe Cowin of Ormond Ave, Edwardstown. He stated there were 4 children.
May 1916 via Suez to Alexandria and then to France where he was attached to the 2nd Anzac Corps School at Aveluy in Northern France.
After 2 years and 50 days service, Thomas was medically discharged 1.5.1918 and returned to Australia
CROSS Albert Richard SERN 46 Cpl 27th Batt 'A' Coy
QUERY HOW doEs HE fitr This needs fixing
Born 24 November, 1894 in London
Re-enlisted in 1940 when residence was Moana SA
Albert Richard CROS Was a single man and worked as a hairdresser - age 21.
Mother, Mrs Clara Cross, 166 Guinness Buildings, Draycot Avenue, Chelsea, London, England
Unit embarked from Adelaide, South Australia, on board HMAT A2 Geelong o
Killed in Action
DAVIS Sydney Lindhurst SERN 27 Lieut 58th Batt
Born Lyndhurst Sydney Davis 9.8.1891.Sandy Bay Tasmania to James Davis (Master Mariner) and Violet Ella nee Domeney.
Was working as an Engineer in Victoria when he enlisted August 1914 at Broadmeadows Army Base. Served in Egypt until October 1916. Lyndhurst was promoted in the field, in France to Lieutenant.
Mentioned in Sir D Haig's despatches and copy sent to his father in Tasmania.
Twice wounded. Ill quite often over the years. Came home to Australia in late 1919 after working in engineering firm in UK for 2 and half months, to re-gain experience and gain new technologies.
Married 1921 Victoria to Winifred Isobel Stebbing.
WW2 Lyndhurst enlisted in RAAF 287455
Discharged 15.4.1946 Flying Officer 103 Wing.
Had enlisted earlier 1940 while living in Plympton SA. S213133 Enlisted at Wayville.
Died in March 1991 in his 100th year.
Brother Herbert Stanley DAVIS - SERN 13941 -also an Engineer. Army Medical Corps,Special Reinforcements. Also special commission from Pte to 2nd Lieut 5th Batt. KIA 16.6.1918 No known grave.
DAW Arthur Henry SERN 2499 Tpr Australian Remount Unit 1 Re-Inf 2
Arthur Henry Daw was born in 1869 - Edwardstown - to Henry Daw and Sarah Lewis. Grandson of John Wickham Daw and James Lewis. He was a butcher and lived at St Mary's. He may have worked in the butcher shop near the corner of what is now Daws Road and South Road. When he enlisted in October 1915 he was single.
Tpr Daw served in Egypt until the end of war, when in August 1919 he was granted leave with pay to 'work experience' in Dairying in St Hellier in Jersey until October 1919. Arrived home to Australia in November of that year.
Married in 1927 to Clarice Myrtle Willson born 1886.
Died 11.1.1936 Northfield Hospital, buried St Judes Brighton.
DAY Aloysius Verdun SERN 3291 Pte 27th 9th Light Horse
Born 26.8.1891 to Richard Barnes Day and Margaret O'Brien. Attended Christian Bros College. On enlistment he said he was Upholsterer but on Demob says a Wheat Buyer with John Darling and Co which was in Albion Victoria.
Pte Day served in Egypt. 27th 9th Light Horse. Did training to become a (motor)driver in September 1917. L/Cpl Dvr in March, 1919 37th Company
On Demob was Cpl in 38th Coy Aust Div Train.
Aloysius married Rita Catherine Dennis 21.1.1931 and they had had two daughters.
7.12.1950 died and buried at AIF cemetery at West Terrace.
DE LAINE Reginald Reeves SERN 5688 Pte 43rd AIF
Born 18.2.1892 Norwood to Arthur Edward and Isabella nee Reeves DeLaine.
Arthur was the son of Charles Leon De Laine and Jane Lucas who married 1843 in Adelaide.
Reginald married Ann Maria Butler 24.8.1921 - She died in 1972 and he in 1973. He is buried Berri Cemetery. There were three children.
Enlisted March 9, 1916 at Millicent. With the 43rd Batt in France in November, 1916 until he was wounded in action 19.2.1917 with Gun shot wounds to left arm and admitted to Northhampton War Hospital in England, where he was operated on twice (sepsis). Discharged 4th MD 6.5.1918.
The De Laine family were pioneers around the Edwardstown area, hence Delaine Avenue, Edwardstown.
DICKER Frank Arthur Allen SERN 4756 L / Cpl 50th Batt
Frank Dicker was born 23.11.1895 Towitta to parents Walter Spencer and Caroline (nee Lambert) Dicker
Enlisted 9 July 1915 at Keswick - not yet 20 years of age. Mother was living in William S,t Plympton - Edwardstown West when she signed a form giving her son permission to go to war. L/Cpl Dicker was sent from Rouen to England with trench feet in Dec 1916. Six months later he was back with his unit in France and Belgium. Promoted to L/Cpl in 17.1.1918. Returned home in 1919 with a medical discharge
Frank married Lucy Winifred Penney 3.4.1923 at the Church of Christ, Cottonville. On his enlistment papers it said he was a hat maker.
1918 there is a declaration from his mother for Frank's allowance as her husband was dead (1913) and there were 9 other children to support. Three younger than Frank.
.Frank Dicker died 21.11.1962 and is buried in Mitcham Cemetery.
DOWDING Alfred Ivan SERN 2140 Lance Corporal 3rd MGB
Born 22.4.1890 at Stockport to Thomas and Mary Watson nee Rodda Dowding.
Was 25 and single and he and his family lived in Edwardstown. Alfred was the fourth son of the Rev Dowding, who was a very well known Baptist Minister in South Australia.
Alfred enlisted 15.3.1915.

He was KIA 30.12.1916 in France.
DOWDING Harold Winter SERN 6350 L/Cpl 20th Rft/10th Batt
Harold Dowding was born in Torrington England,1876 - aged 39 and living in Port Pirie when he enlisted 30.3..1916 and embarked from Adelaide August of that same year. Returned to Australia in 1919. He and his family had arrived in Victoria in 1882. Father was Rev Thomas Dowding and his first wife, Katherine who died a few years after arriving in Australia.
Harold Married Elizabeth Hamill in 1908 in Victoria.
His wife was NOK and c/o F P Thomson at St Andrews, Ararat Victoria.
Died Malvern Hospital, South Australia , 13.9.1955.
He was half brother to Kenneth and Alfred Dowding
DOWDING Kenneth Frank SERN 3662 Sgt 3rd AGH 7th Field Ambulance
Born 18 Sep 1894 Port Pirie to Rev Thomas Dowding and his wife Mary Watson nee Rodda
Enlisted 18.2.1915 and embarked from Sydney 28.6.1915.
He contracted enteric fever in Anzac Returned to Australia Feb 1916. Son of Rev T Dowding and brother of Alfred Ivan Dowding who was KIA in 1916.
Military Medal 12.5.1917
'On May 5th 1917 Private DOWDING was attending a patient in the open under fire when a shell fell close alongside and killed the man he was attending. Another shell fell almost immediately in the middle of a stretcher squad coming to his assistance, killing one of the men and wounding another. Although severely shocked by the first shell, Private DOWDING with utter disregard to self at once went to the assistance of the wounded bearer though shells were falling in quck succession on the spot. He succeeded in rendering first aid the the wounded man, and with the assistance of Corporal SHAWYER and Private WATSON carried him to a place of safety. This act was performed when Private DOWDING was already greatly fatigued by long hours of stretcher bearing under very trying conditions. Although suffering from shock he was keen to continue at duty, and after being put off duty by Major CONRICK carried on once more shortly after. Signed statements of eye witnesses of the above are attached, and Major CONRICK who was in charge of bearers at NOREUIL has written an appreciation of his general good work and fearless courage.'
Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 189
Date: 8 November 1917
Gazetted 18.7.1917 National Archives WO 372/23/100730
Recommendation Distinguished Conduct Medal 12 May 1917
23.6.1926 St Johns Church, Kenneth married Nancy Hill Pugh. He became an orchardist after the war, and lived in Burnside. Died 1981.
DUNCAN David SERN 4759 Pte 15thRft/10th Batt
Born in Derby England but living in Cumberland Avenue Clarence Park when he enlisted 13.11.1915 age 18. His NOK was his brother H Duncan of the same address
Embarked from Adelaide 9.3.1916 RMS Mongolia.
Returned to Australia 1919.
Married Gladys Sarah Edith Comley and died in Adelaide hospital July 1946 aged 47.
From his marriage certificate and death certificate his birth would have been in 1899, thus making him only 16 when he enlisted.
Par John and Annie (in 1901 Derby census) with Annie and Harry, the latter 12 years older.
DURDIN William Reginald SERN 2098 Dvr 3rd FAB
Born Lochiel 11.1.1883 to Charles Durdin and his wife Sarah Elizabeth nee Stevens.
Enlisted August 1914 aged 31 and married to Elizabeth E Durdin of Edwardstown P O Embarked October 1914 from Adelaide. Returned to Australia 24.9.1918.
Military Medal
'On 23-10-17 Driver DURDEN was packing ammunition to the Battery Position at ANZAC RIDGE near YPRES. On his way to the Battery a shell burst on the road killing four horses close behind him and wounded him , cutting his head open from the eye to the ear. He had this patched up with a Field Dressing and continued to the Battery and delivered his ammunition. He then went back along the road and saved a second load and delivered it also to the guns. On his way back to the Wagon Lines he called in at a Dressing Station in YPRES to get his head dressed. The Medical Officer in charge told him that he must be evacuated at once and must let his horses go. He hesitated to do this but returned to the Wagon Lines, handed his horses to the B.S.M. and was the evacuated.'
Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 110
Date: 25 July 1918
Died 26 April 1944 and buried AIF cemetery West Terrace
EAMES Robert Leslie SERN 3143 Pte 2nd Aust Light Trench Mortar KIA
Born in Victoria 1897 South Melbourne, Robert was a tinsmith, only 19 years of age. His parents were Arthur and Mary (nee Uzzell) Eames who were from South Australia originally. His father died in 1908 and his mother remarried in 1911 to William Woodyard (also from SA)
Robert's grandparents and mother's siblings lived in Edwardstown. His cousin is also named on the Board.
Pte Eames was Killed in Action 17.4.1918 in Neippe Forest aged 21 years and 7 months having served 2 years 6 months in AIF.

The Military Medal was awarded 'For Conspicuous Gallantry and Devotion to Duty during the Attack East of Ypres on the 20th September 1917. He brought up Mortars to forward positions under very heavy enemy fire and kept up the ammunition supply under very difficult conditions. The excellent service rendered by these Mortars assisted very greatly in making complete the reduction of enemy strong points and breaking up his Counter Attacks'.
Cemetery details - Nieppe-Bois (Rue-du-Bois) British Cemetery. Vieux-Berquin, Nord Pas de Clais
EDWARDS Cleveland George SERN 1337 Sgt 2ndRf/10th Batt SHOULD BE G G EDWARDS
Born Victoria 1897 to William Henry Edwards and Evelyn Amelia Maria nee Law. Enlisted 24 November 1914 - he was single 19 year old carpenter, living in Cambridge Tce, Malvern with his mother Evelyn as NOK living at Parkside. He embarked from Melbourne February 1915
Died 13 Jun 1968 West Australia
EDWARDS Peter George SERN 4704 Pte 12/27th KIA
Peter was born 4.1.1894 Houghton to Thomas Joseph and Mary Ann (nee Young) Edwards.
When he enlisted 28.1.1916, single, age 24 and a horse-driver he had his mother who was living in Clarence Park - Crystal Brook House - as his next of kin.

Peter George Edwards was also a brilliant Sturt footballer. In an obituary in The Register 17.11.1917, it states that Peter was an exeptional sportsman and played with the Double Blues in 1911. The article states that this young man was said to be one of the "cleanest 'sports' in the district" and his "sterling qualities did

Brother Gilbert also served with 27th Batt.
ELLIOT Richard John SERN 11148 Pte 1st AAH AIF
Born Cardiff Wales 1 yr Cape Colonial Force - Boer War
Enlisted 10.1.1916 Adelaide aged 36 years and working as a printer. He and his wife lived in Ascot Park.
Embarked from Melbourne June 1916 and served as a Private with the May 1916 Reinforcements. Served In England with the Australian Medical Corps.
Discharged 8.8.1917 Medical discharge
Had Married Bernice Eva Jones 1907 Cardiff Wales. She died 1964 He died Jan 12, 1950 at Adelaide Hospital and Bd St Mary's, Sth Rd.
Living 2 Emerson Road, Black Forest at the time of his death.
FITZGERALD John SERN 2932 Pte 21st Rft/9th Light Horse Regiment.
Born 22.7.1884 Edwardstown to William John and Margaret (nee Allen) Fitzgerald.
The Fitzgerald family was one of the original settlers who prospered and grew - and the family is still in the area in 2020. The land I live on now was one owned by the Fitzgerald family.
John was a single man working round Caltowie in the north of the State, as a Horse Breaker. He enlisted 11.5.1916 and embarked from Adelaide on the 24th August 1916, returning 10th July 1916.
FOWLER Alfred John SERN 3491 Pte 8th Rft/27th Batt
Born 7.3.1897 at Morphettville to Alfred Llewellyn and Margaret Agnes (nee Smith) Fowler.
Enlisted 19.8.1915 while living with his family in Edwardstown.
Married 4.6.1921 Burnside to Lillian Wales. Alfred died at the Repat Hospital, Daw Park on the 10th May 1965. Home address was Plympton.
FOWLER Llewellyn SERN 3492 Pte 8th Rft/8th Batt
Brother of Alfred (see above) Born 25.3.1893 to Alfred and Margaret Fowler of Morphettville..
Llewellyn enlisted at the same time as his younger brother as their Sern Nos are consecutive and they were both posted to the same Battallion. Llewellyn however worked as a Cook in civilian life. Embarked from Adelaide 12 Jan 1916.
Returned to Australia in December 1918.
These young lads seemed to have been very close. Indeed they both married in same year as well. Llewellyn married Grace Mary Oldland in Melrose on the 26th January, 1921. He lived a long life, dying in 1988 aged 95.
FRANKLIN Benjamin SERN 970 Pte 3 Rft/11th Light Horse Reg
Born 11.1.1896 Edwardstown to Albert John and Catherine(nee Smith) Franklin.
Enlisted 18.5.1915 Blacksmith age 21 living in Glandore with his mother Mrs Catherine Franklin.
Embarked from Adelaide September 1915.
Marjorie Gwendoline He died Daw Park Hospital 6.9.1972 age 76.
GALE Herbert James SERN 3819 Dvr 14th Rft/3 Light Horse Reg

Buried Noreuil Australian Cemetery.
Herbert Gale was born in Edwardstown on the 29th December, 1895 - South Road, Edwardstown to John and Elizabeth (nee Frayne) Gale.
When he enlisted on 21.9.1915 he was not yet 20 and 'celebrated' his 21st birthday in France. Four months later he was Killed in Action.
Herbert embarked for Egypt February 1916, where he was transferred to the 50th Battalion. It says in his obit in the Chronicle 12.5.1917 (Trove) P 46 that Pt Herbert Gale was well liked and respected by his numerous friends. Prior to enlisting he had been employed by his father.
His sister S E Dickeson was informant on death certificate which was obtained through the South Australian BMD records office.
A brother Driver A. J. Gale also served in AIF but did come home. Seven other siblings waited at home to hear news of their brothers, cousins and friends. However, 2 of their cousins Private F O and Sapper P A Loader were also Killed In Action in France.
Commemorated in St Marys Anglican Churchyard, South Road, Adelaide.
GALE Albert John SERN 2016 Pte 14th Rft/3rd Light Horse Reg
Born 8.6.1892 South Road, Edwardstown to John and Sarah Frayne Gale.
Enlisted 20.9.1915 age 23 horse driver from South Road, Edwardstown. NOK was his
mother Mrs Elizabeth Gale of same address.
Embarked from Adelaide 10 Feb 1916. Returned 12.12.1918
Died 14.2.1942 Lower Mitcham when he accidently drove through the Angas Road rail crossing not seeing the second train coming. He was killed instantly aged 50 leaving his wife and four children. Late 41st Battery,11th Field Artillery Brigade, 1st AIF.
Buried Centennial Park.
GILBERT Basil Rodney SERN 808 Pte 'D Coy' 27th Batt
Born (Rodney Basil ) on the 27 March 1896 North Adelaide to Richard Edwin and Ida Gordon (nee Brooks) Gilbert.
Enlisted 15.3.1915 and Embarked from Adelaide in May 1915. He was a painter age 19 and had his mother as NOK. Only thing is he did not know where she was and his papers say that they need to contact Mrs H G Wilson McPherson at Clapham.
RTA March 1919.
Married Elizabeth Lucy Vesey 1920 Magill (Rodney Basil)
Died 1970 at Barmera and buried at the Barmera Cemetery.
GOLDSWORTHY Walter (AKA HORLEY) SERN 811 PTE 'D Coy' 27th Batt
Born Mildura, Victoria 1895 His parents were William and Ellen nee Boynton Goldsworthy. Walter was living in Plympton at the time of his enlisting in the AIF March 1915. His NOK was his guardian Mrs Martha Horley of Plympton.
Pte Goldsworthy embarked 31st May, 1915. Returned 8.4.1919.
Died March 2, 1949 at a private hospital with Mrs Horley named as his foster mother.
GOUGH Richard Brooks (AKA Richard Gough Brooks) SERN 3847 Pte 10th Rft/ 5th Pioneer Batt
Richard was born 3.9.1898 to RIchard Gough and Rachel Gordon Brooks (they married later.
Married 1919 to Thelma Spark both age 20.
He enlisted 24.2.1917 age 18 NOK his father Richard Felix Gough of Plympton.
Embarked and arrived in Australia 20.12.1918.
Died 1990.
HARFORD Horace Walter (Dare) SERN 5214 Cpl Field Butchery and Bakery
Born Hindmarsh to Joseph Harford his NOK when he enlisted 26.11.1914
His father was a teacher at Edwardstown Public School. Horace was born 3.9.1880 to Joseph and Louisa nee Dare.
He was aged 32 and single and a baker.
Embarked from Melbourne 22.12.1914
RTA 8.10.1918
Married 1922 to Winifred Alice Mudge Methodist Church, Pirie Street, Adelaide
Died 30.4.1960 at Payneham Hospital. Bd at West Terrace Cemetery.
HARGRAVES (HARGREAVES) James Arthur SERN 2122 3rd Rft/5th Pioneers
James Hargreaves was born 5.2.1897 Norwood to Thomas and Florence (nee Randall) Hargreaves.
Enlisted 6.4.1916 age 20 with mother Florrie living Alexander Ave, Cabra Estate.
Embarked 13.7.1916 from Adelaide
Home 2.6.1919. Married 27.9.1919 to Olive Alice Larner
Mr Hargreaves died 30.1.1964 Daw Park Hospital
HARRISON E A Edwin Aloysisus (Alafius) no connection to Edwardstown or South Australia at all.
Given name Edwin Aloysius born 1890 England died Vic 1975 parents Allan Edward and Ellen Hughes maried Violet Evelyn Magee in 1929 Victori
17.6.1916 joined the BEF Marseilles Wounded
There is an Edmund Stanley Harrison 1495
HARRISON Frederick James of Cumberland Pk died 24.12.1933 age 49 born c 1884 Bd WTC wife Lillian Bessie
There was Frederick James born London father E in Kyabram Vic but also a Frederick James 1884 Adelaide mother Anna Jane Simpson and father Frederik James
the one below for Adelaide
HAWKS/HAWKES G George ( William) SERN 865 Drv 'D' Coy 10th Batt
George was born 11th Jan 1894 Kensington to George William Hawkes and wife Esther nee Dunstall
He 31.8.1914 enlisted - Embarked 20.10.1914 from Adelaide.
NOK Mrs E Hawkes of Edward Street, Edwardstown.
HEPTONSTAL(L) William SERN 62093
HEWINS Charles Arsthorpe 275
Was a soldier for 22 years in England
HILL Harry Rogers 6571
HODGE James SERN 278
Born Glasgow aged 44
HOSGOOD Frederick William SERN 3155 Pte 7th Rft/27th Batt
HUMPHERY Frederick Rev Chaplain 4th Class Chaplains' Corps
Born 17.4.1885 in Goodwood to Frederick Humphery and Nellie nee Morton.
He was a Methodist Minister and his mother was living at Plympton when he enlisted in July 1916.
Rev Humphery was promoted to Captain in 1916 and married Ellen Dora Alderson in Dover, England in 1917. His brother also enlisted - see below. No WP
S5343 2nd Depot Battalion upon enlistment but after 4 weeks as a private, was discharged 24.6.1916 upon appointment as Chaplain in
the AIF. He had been apprenticed as a cabinet maker for 8 years prior to enlistment.
July 1917 was attached to 26th Batt and promoted to Chaplain 3rd Class July 1918. 'Discharged' 1920. Mrs Humphery died in 1929.
HUMPHERY Louis Morton SERN 3007 Pte 7/43 Batt
Born 1894 Goodwood to Frederick and Nellie nee Morton. Louis was
the brother of the above and enlisted in April 1916. He was a Theological student when he
enlisted at the age of 21. Graduated as an instructor at SC Bombing School, Lyndhurst. Suffered from trench feet in 1918 while in France. Home in Sept 1919 and he finished his studies and became a Methodist Minister and married Alma Woolls-Cobb in 1924. They moved to Broken Hill.
IRVING Allan William James SERN 1528
Place of birth Unley, South Australia
School Plympton Public School, South Australia
Bookbinder living in North Edwardstown
He was single and aged 20.
Marital status
IRVING Herbert VIctor Clement SERN 1534
Born Unley, and a French Polisher. His address was
PO Plympton.
Age 21 and married to Florence Elizabeth who was his NOK as well
Wife, Mrs Florence Elizabeth Irving, PO, Plympton, South Australia
JARRETT Adolphus Wilmont SERN 55 SGT 10th Batt B Coy
22.3.1895 Goodwood West to George Henry and Annie nee Tostevin Jarrett.
When their son enlisted, he was only 19 and a civil servant. His mother, his NOK, was living Ormond Avenue, Edwardstown East. As can be seen from his SERN he was one of the first to enlist in the new AIF
Mother, Mrs Annie Jarrett, Ormond Avenue, Edwardstown East, South Australia
Sergeant on Enlistment
JARRETT Harold Norman SERN 769
Born to George and Annie nee Tostevin - 9.9.1892 Goodwood.
When Harold enlisted in December 1914 -4 months after his younger brother enlisted. (see above)
Harold was already married to Marie (nee Le Rae) and she was living in Glenelg South.
JOHNS Ernest Paul SERN 2461 Pte 18/3rd Light Horse Reg
Ernest was the son of Mrs Emma Martha Sophia Johns, dairyman of Daly Street, Forbes. Father was Alfred Edward Johns and mother was nee Stark. Pte Johns was born near Laura and enlisted 12.1.1916 aged 18.
Mother E M S Johns see People for her story
JOSE Harry SERN 4502 T/Cpl 14thRft/10th Batt
Born in Coolgardie WA and was a farmer at Yarcowie South Australia. Father Thomas Jose.
When he enlisted 20.9.1915 in Adelaide, his age was 18 years and 10 months. His NOK was mother Mrs Mary Ann Jose, of Clarence Park. Both parents signed a note to allow Harry to enlist and go overseas. November that year Pt Jose was transferred to Mitcham Camp, Engineers Signal School, as a Signaller.
1/1/1916 transferred to 14Rft/10th Batt. Embarked Adelaide 7.2.1916 Disembarked Suez/Alezandria.29.5.1916. 14 Jun 1916 to 9th Stat Hosp. Said it was Pyrexia. Two weeks later he was transferred to hospital in England with pneumonia and pleurisy.
October 1916 Pte Jose was in the field with his Battalion in Etaples, France until June 1918, when he became ill with influenza. A Xmas present, sort of, was his becoming T/Cpl 22nd December, 1918. Disembarked Australia 4.9.1919. .
Tragically, Harry Jose's father had to receive the war medals sent to his son in July 1922, as Harry had accidently been killed at North Adelaide on the 5th of June 1921.
Harry and his friend Charles Bowen were riding a motor bike in North Adelaide and to avoid a collision with an oncoming car, Harry jumped off the back, but unfortunately fell straight under the car's wheels and killed instantly. He is buried in West Terrace Cemetery.
KLAFFER Albert Henry SERN 1521 Pte 32nd Batt
Albert was apprenticed for 5 years as a woodworker prior to the war, at Pengelleys, Edwardstown.
Born Albert Heinrich Klaffer, to Johann Fredrich William Klaffer and Anna Augusta Pauline nee Hartmann. Albert had already anglicised the German spelling of his second Christian name.
When he enlisted in July 1915, Albert was living with his next of Kin - his mother Anna.
Pte Klaffer served in Egypt and France and returned home June 1919. Albert Henry died 20.2.1959
and is interred at Centennial Park Cemetery - RSL Wall 115 Niche A003
Albert Henry Klaffer S65402 WW2 Date of Discharge 1942 - 4 Batt VDC
KING Alfred LEslie
Alfred Leslie KING
Sern 3225 born adelaide C/E Lab of Edwardstown
Single age at embarkation was 18
NOK Aunt, Mrs M Angus, Edwardstown, South Australia
LAYCOCK William SERN 62568
Born Edwardstown Bank Clerk
Living Edwardstown Single aged 21
NOK Father, W Layco, Edwardstown, South Australia
may be related to one other soldier via a Miss Laycock
LEWIS William John Elvet SERN 2061 Pte 32nd Batt
and 3678 Sapper 9/5th Pioneers
WJE Lewis has an interesting war record.
Firstly, he was born in Crickhowell, Wales 24.6.1900 to James and Mary Ann Lewis. The family emigrated to Adelaide in late 1911 and lived at Clarence Park. There were two brothers who also came to Australia with the parents. Vernon and Emlyn.
SERN 2061 - William first enlisted in Adelaide on 14.10.1915 stating he was aged 18 years and 2 months.
However, taking his real date of birth he would have been 15 years and 4 months. He served 56 days until 10,10.1916. Had served in Egypt. He was medically discharged at his own request. In his records, there is a small piece of paper which says that his father has signed his consent - this was in Sep 1915.
Enlisting again Jan 8, 1917, SERN 3678 He was said to be 19 years and 5 months. In reality, he was 16 years and 6 months. During this tour, he served in Belgium and France.
20th June 1917 Elvet (as he was known in his family) married an Amelia Dorothy Dimmer in Fovant, Wiltshire. On this certificate, he has his age as 21 years. She was 18. However, he was still only 17 if the date of 24th June was his real birthday. This was a fact on his WW2 enlistments.
Discharged 17.11.1919 Sapper 7th Field Co Engineers.
Additional facts. World War II
Tried to enlist in RAAF
Enlisted Army N 202269 Served until Sep 1945 as Sgt in 18 Batt Vol Def Corps Part Time Duty
Date of birth as stated above comes from his enlistment in WWII and Stat Dec in 1950s regarding his lost discharge papers. Also Birth and census records from Wales and England plus shipping record to Sth Australia. Possibly lived in Marryatville NSW
LISTER Charles SERN 61 Sgt 'B' Coy 10th Batt
Born in Glouster UK Charles was aged 34 and married. They lived at 1 Garden Row, Black Forest Estate SA His work before the war was as a machinist.
Charles enlisted in August 1914 and his unit embarked from Adelaide aboard Ascanius on the 20th October 1914.
Sgt Lister returned to Australia 10.5.1917. He died 17.12.1964.
LLOYD Walter Howard SERN 6533 Pte 21st Rft/10th Batt
Born in Houghton and was a gardener - age 37 and single. NOK was his mother Mrs Mary Llloyd, Price Street, Edwardstown
He enlisted 16.8.1916 and embarked from Melbourne on 21.10.1916. Returned to Australia 2.3.1919
Died 15.7.1951 age 72 and is buried in the AIF cemetery WTC
LOCKYER Albert Andrew
Albert Andrew LOCKYER
Regimental number | 3863 |
Religion | Church of England |
Occupation | Labourer |
Address | Price Street, Edwardstown, South Australia |
Marital status | Single |
Age at embarkation | 21 |
Next of kin | Mother, Mrs Harriet Hender Lockyer, Price Street, Edwardstown, South Australia |
Enlistment date | |
Date of enlistment from Nominal Roll | |
Rank on enlistment | Private |
Unit name | 27th Battalion, 9th Reinforcement |
AWM Embarkation Roll number | 23/44/3 |
Embarkation details | Unit embarked from Adelaide, South Australia, on board HMAT A28 Miltiades on |
Rank from Nominal Roll | Private |
Unit from Nominal Roll | aust Cyc Battalion |
Fate | Returned to Australia |
LODGE John 17956 Born Wiltshire England Plympton
MAGENIS Richard John SERN 3535 Lance Corporal 27th Batt.
Born in Manchester England in 1879
married to Jane Green in Warrington Lancashire in 1900. They came to Australia
before 1915.
Enlisted August 1915 Married age 37 to wife Jane of Maud Street, Glandore.
His occupation before the war was a striker. Served in Egypt and France,
He enlisted 18.6.1916 and returned home in 1918. He died in 1971.
MAGENIS George Charles CAPT 10th Batt DSO
Enlistment 19.8.1914 Awarded and promulgated "London Gazette" 2nd Supplement
No 29890 2.1.17 Commonwealth Gazette No 103 29.6.17.
Home 25,8,17
Was born in Warrington Lancashire, 1883 and his brother was the above Richard Magenis.
Married to Margaret Green in Adelaide 1913.
https://rslvirtualwarmemorial.org.au/explore/people/362446 has the story of George, his brother and their father (who was at the Eureka Stockade). George was a soldier all his life. His son served in WW2. They lived 10 Byron Road, Black Forest Estate.
MARION Guy query done just G
2848 | MARTIN, Albert Vincent | Clarence Park, South Australia |
573 | MARTIN, Albert | c/o Mrs Drummond, Woodville, South Australia |
Bermett Alfred Thornton Larrie MATTHEWS
Regimental number | 4110 |
Religion | Church of England |
Occupation | Labourer |
Address | Vermont, South Australia |
Marital status | Married |
Age at embarkation | 28 |
Next of kin | Wife, Mrs C Matthews, Rosetta Street, North Walkerville, South Australia |
Enlistment date | |
Rank on enlistment | Sapper |
Unit name | No 4 Tunnelling Company and 1st Reinforcements (May 1916) |
AWM Embarkation Roll number | 16/13/1 |
Embarkation details | Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A69 Warilda on |
Rank from Nominal Roll | Sapper |
Unit from Nominal Roll | 2nd Tunnelling Company |
Fate | Returned to Australia |
Miscellaneous details (Nominal Roll) | *given name two spellings Bermett and Bennett |
Other details |
War service: Western Front
Date of death | |
Age at death | 93 |
Place of burial | Mannum Cemetery, South Australia |
MASSEY There is a Sidney Ascot Park 48th mm Home 1919 Tey have MARCEY G ???
Should be a Massey G
MATHIAS Harry Morgan SERN 2229 Driver 3rd Field Artillery Brigade
Born 15.6.1892 at Edwardstown third son of Elias Morgan Matthias and Mary nee Wrighton.
Harry worked as a cabinetmaker at Pengelley & Co. Edwardstown. His father's company.
He was single 22 and enlisted 31.8.1914 serving for 4 years and 2 months overseas.
Driver Mathias was married 20.6.1917 to Elsie Augusta Rosalie Acutt in Melcombe Regis Dorset.
Returned to Australia 8.10.1918
Died age 46 on 6.4.1939 leaving a wife and son and is buried in AIF Section, West Terrace Cemetery
MATHIAS Sterling Cleveland SERN 28401. Gunner 7/14th FAB
Brother to above, was born 16.6.1898 Edwardstown to Elias and Mary Mathias.
Sterling enlisted 16.6.1898 age 18 with both his parents permission to go overseas. Was a clerk.
He served in France and Belgium and was promoted to T/VO/Sgt 21.6.1919, and was discharged October 1919.
Sterling married Vera Lucy (nee Morphett) Adams 12.7.1923 Pirie Street Methodist Church.
He died in 1961.
MCKENZIE Alexander SERN 35233 Gunner
Born Aberdeen Scotland
He was a Cabinetmaker and lived at 6th Avenue, Ascot Park, Edwardstown. He was married.
At the time of embarkation, he was 33 years of age.
NOK Mrs Nance McKenzie was living at the address above.
MCLARWEN john John McLAREN SAPPER September 1916 Reinforcements
SERN 5385
Born Dunbarton Scotland
A joiner by trade living in Smith Street, Edwardstown
Single and aged 32.
His NOK was Mother, Mrs Grace McLaren, 10 Hill Street, Greenock, Scotland
MCMAHON James gEORGE THink it should be J C
James George McMAHON
3682 Hampshire England Coachbuilder
Edwardstown Married age 29
Next of kin Wife, Mrs Agnes Mary McMahon, Price Street, Edwardstown, South Australia
SERN 39800
Place of birth Aldinga South Australia
Occupation Builder's labourer living Mitcham Park SA
Married age 42
NOK Wife, Mrs G McRae, Kingston Avenue, Mitcham Park, South Australia
Born Adelaide South Australia Occupation Paper ruler
Living in Melville Street Vermont Single age 21
Next of kin Father, August John Mesecke, Melville Street, Vermont, South Australia
Previous military service 19th Australian Army Medical Corp
Born in Adelaide, Occupation was a packer.
Living in Edwardstown Adelaide South Australia
Was married and age 35.
NOK was Wife, Mrs Isabella Jane Meyer, South Road, Edwardstown, South Australia
check other millers to see if related
MILLER ROBERT is this right one?
MITCHELL Robert Bruce SERN 5054
Born AUburn
Occupation Musician Adelaide
Married aged 34 Next of kin Wife, Mrs A R Mitchell, 2 Byron Place, Adelaide, South Australia
Henry Latham MITCHELL Regimental number 806
Place of birth Hereford England
Occupation Cabinetmaker living Black Forest SA
Single age 24
Next of kin Mother, W. Mitchell, Home for Incurables, Fullarton, South Australia; Mrs. Adeline Mitchell, c/o Mrs Barnett, Eastern Outfitters, East India Stock Road London, England
From Bradford England
Plumber living North Edwardstown
Married, age 38
Next of kin Wife, Mrs H Mitchell, Government Road, North Edwardstown, South Australia
Place of birth Adelaide South Australia
Labourer living Edwardstown Single age 24
Next of kin Mother, Mrs R R Ryder, Daly Street, Edwardstown, South Australia
MOSS JOHN Regimental number 132 43rd Batt 'A' Coy
Born Liverpool England
Occupation Labourer
Address Ascot Park PO Edwardstown
John was married and aged 37 years
Next of kin Wife, Mrs Jane Moss, same address
Place of birth Edwardstown, South Australia
School Edwardstown and Sturt Street Public School, Adelaide, South Australia
He was a Cabinet maker and lived South Road, Edwardstown Was single age
23 and his NOK was Father, Alexander Mudie, South Road, Edwardstown, South Australia
Born Edwaredstown
and educated at Sturt Street Public School, Adelaide, South Australia
He was a Baker of Kingston Avenue Mitcham Park age 21
Next of kin Mother, Mrs Alice Murphy, Kingston Avenue, Mitcham Park, South Australia
NORMAN JR lots to go through
Albert Roy NORRIS
Regimental number
Methodist Farm Labourer living Yeelana via Port Lincoln
Sinle and age 18 Mother NOK Mrs Robena Jane Norris Goodwood Road Clarence Park
NUNN FREDERICK JOHN SERN 3544 poss related to Rogers boys
Born Thebarton
Horse driver Living Plympton SA Single age 26 NOK
Mother, Mrs. S. Rogers, William Street, Plympton, South Australia
ORME Albert SERN 2253 Fitter 6/10th Batt Died of Wounds
Born Hyde Cheshire England NOK brother Samuel in Manchester, England.
He was single and an engineer. Arrive in Australia 1913.
Enlisted 24.2.1915 age 33 in Engineers 6th Reinforcements.
He was on Gallipoli in August 1915. June 1916 he was in France. He fought on the Western Front as a gunner then fitter with the 110th Howitzer Battery until he was severely wounded 16.10.1917 N
Menin Ridge Belgium, and died 2 days later in hospital in Belgium. 18.10.1917
His friends Mr and Mrs J Fitzpatrick of Ascot Park South Australia inserted his death notice in the Chronicle in Jan 1918. Engineer Orme had been the president of the Society of Engine Fitters and was involved in a very prominent investigation by the Industrial Court of a claim between BHP and the Engineers Soc of Port Pirie - health conditions.
Chronicle 12.1.1918 p 26 from TROVE - National Library of Australia
ORTON Francis Henry SERN 2408 Pte 5/27th Batt
Was born 1891 Preston Victoria to Frederick Francis Orton and Fanny nee Lock
He was a 24 yr old blacksmith of Edwardstown and had been apprenticed to Mr H O'Sullivan.
Enlisted Jun 1915 at Keswick
Francis was in France and the Western Front for most of 1916-1918
In late 1916 he suffered an injury to his foot. Mother was living 1 Raglan Ave Edwardstown at this time as she tried to get information from the Army so she could receive help from the Lodge. One letter is so sweet as Mrs Orton uses a word not in use today. She had been 'humbugged' about. Signed the letter 'His Mother"!
to make things worse I guess, one had to wait for days or weeks for mail. Sending mail off and then waiting for the answer. So different a time. Francis and his wife Stella Violet were living at the same Edwardstown address in the 1940s.
Discharged 1916 Died 10.6.1971 Black Forest/Edwardstown. (prob now Price St Melrose Park)
PARDEY Ernest Lascombe SERN 2346 L/Cpl 16/3rd Light Horse
Born Port Pirie April 1882 to Thomas Pardy and Isabella Campbell nee McKay.
Enlisted January 1916 - he was a motorman, one child, married to Lillian nee Wall of 33 Cumberland Ave, Clarence Park . Served in Middle East. In 1917/18 - he was regimentally employed in Railway construction and returned to Australian June 1919.
He had worked as a motorman with the MTT.
Ernest died 7.3.1929 in RAH and buried in WTC. Leaving a wife and 3 children
PEDLER Lionel Ernest SERN 322 Trooper 9th Light Horse A Squadron
Born 1895 Woorak
Victoria to Alfred Ernest Pedler and Sarah Ann nee Day.
Family living Plympton.
Enlisted 20.10.1914 at Morphettville with his father's permission for him to proceed overseas. A blacksmith age
Served Gallipoli - eye injury and then influenza.
Returned 12.5.1916 medical discharge. His father enlisted also - see below
Family living Plympton.
Served Gallipoli - eye injury and then influenza.
Returned 12.5.1916 medical discharge. His father enlisted also - see below
Lionel married Grace Myrtle Patching 2.6.1917 Black Forest Baptist Church. .
Was living at 14 Nottingham Terrace, Glandore.
Died 20.1.1950 age 54 Adelaide Hospital - Leaving wife and 5 siblings
Bd North Brighton.
PEDLER Alfred Ernest SERN 787 Pte 1st Remount Unit, No 3 Squadron
Born 4.12.1867 Willaston to Thomas and Phoebe (nee Pitman) Pedler.
Father of Lionel (see above)
Enlisted October 11, 1915 at Adelaide - a butcher by trade and married to Sarah Ann nee Day.
He embarked 12.11.1915 for overseas. The Remount Units were made up of more experienced men who had skills with horses - to care for them as they were shipped overseas. These men would train horses and mules. Many of the men who were in the Remount were older men who would not have otherwise gone overseas, or they had not been 'suitable' when they tried to enlist in the AIF due to poor eyesight or height for instance.
Pte Pedler was discharged due to the disbanding of unit.16.6.1916. More modern technology was making the horses redundant in the war. Of all the horses taken overseas, only one returned as a symbol for all the men who had given their personal animals to the war effort.
He died 12.7. 1942 age 74 and widowed.
PERCIVAL ST CHECK THIS ONE OUT l on board it has S T SERN 3918 11th/48th Batt PTE
Try workiing this out. Is ST related to ayone else who is westby ST was big nob in GLenelg
Bd North Brighton.
PEDLER Alfred Ernest SERN 787 Pte 1st Remount Unit, No 3 Squadron
Born 4.12.1867 Willaston to Thomas and Phoebe (nee Pitman) Pedler.
Father of Lionel (see above)
Enlisted October 11, 1915 at Adelaide - a butcher by trade and married to Sarah Ann nee Day.
He embarked 12.11.1915 for overseas. The Remount Units were made up of more experienced men who had skills with horses - to care for them as they were shipped overseas. These men would train horses and mules. Many of the men who were in the Remount were older men who would not have otherwise gone overseas, or they had not been 'suitable' when they tried to enlist in the AIF due to poor eyesight or height for instance.
Pte Pedler was discharged due to the disbanding of unit.16.6.1916. More modern technology was making the horses redundant in the war. Of all the horses taken overseas, only one returned as a symbol for all the men who had given their personal animals to the war effort.
He died 12.7. 1942 age 74 and widowed.
PERCIVAL ST CHECK THIS ONE OUT l on board it has S T SERN 3918 11th/48th Batt PTE
Try workiing this out. Is ST related to ayone else who is westby ST was big nob in GLenelg
Samuel Thomas Percy | |
Last name | Percival |
Gender | Male |
Status | Married |
Birth year | 1881 |
Death year | 1948 |
Death date | 01 Dec 1948 |
PERCIVAL | Westby Spencer | M | Westby Spencer PERCIVAL | Norwood | 669/392 | 1900 |
Was Born in Adelaide Single Gardener age 18 of Edwardstown Father W S Percival South Road, Edwardstown Enlisted 13.9.1917 hOME 1919
PHILLIPS Robert Harry Allen SERN 1969 3rdft/50th Batt
Born 13.10.1896 Plympton to John Phillips and Adeleline Amelia nee Shepard.
Enlisted 2.3.1916 age 19 with his mother Mrs A E Phillips of Plympton as NOK. His occupation in civilian life was as a horse driver. Had served 3 years senior cadets 75th then 18 months 78th Batt and still serving.
Pte Phillips embarked from Adelaide 13.7.1916 to France. He was wounded GSW to leg (compound fracture) in action plus gas infection while serving in France.. Transferred to England for treatment.
Returned to Australia 10.12. 1917.
Married 28.10.1922 St Lukes Church Adelaide to Gwendoline Melina Victoria Depledge.
Married 28.10.1922 St Lukes Church Adelaide to Gwendoline Melina Victoria Depledge.
Died 2.6.1978 Bd CP.
PLUMMER John Thomas SERN 1375 Pte 4/16th Infantry Regiment AIF
There are two different enlistment forms in John Thomas Plummer's WW1 file in the National Archives of Australia.
John enlisted first in 11 Sep 1914 (Morphettville) age 20 NOK father William Plummer of London. He had his allotment going to Mr L Abbott of South Australia.
He also enlisted 14.12.1914 at Oaklands. age 21 NOK mother Elizabeth of same address as he had put down for his father.
Checking his birth which from what he said, would have been around 1893. However, checking this, found on the 1911 census, John Thomas Plummer age 14. He and his family lived in 63 Kingstand High Street, London. William ran a refreshment house with his family of which there were 8 living children - John was the third eldest to William and Elizabeth Eleanor (nee Smith) Plummer. I wonder how, when and why he came to Australia. There were other Plummer families, but at that young age - he must have been 16 or just 17 when he enlisted. He left his money to his sister Emily.
While at Morphettville this young man was a little trouble for the authorities when he resisted 'arrest' and drunkenness! In February 1915 his behaviour was said to be 'bad, but next month had improved to 'fair;. Records show a court martial set for 1st March 1915 with nothing on his file I found as yet, so have to assume it went his way, as it was around that time he left for Gallipoli and his last 'adventure'

POBJOY Reginald Bede SERN S 1869 1st Rft (S) UK
Born May 29 1899 (20.5.1898) He says former on enlistment, other is SA Birth Registrations - to King William Pobjoy (a clergyman) and Alice Georgina nee Blake. Enlisted 16.2.1918 Adelaide. He was single, an electrician who was living at home South Road, Edwardstown with his father, King William Pobjoy. Embarked from Sydney 1.5.1918. Via New York. He had influenza on the ship. Arrrived in England and transferred to A A S C . then 4th Div train MD4
On the ship coming home he was ill - this was around Christmas 1919.
His parents both signed their OK for their son to go overseas. This was on a new Govt form instead of the notes parents had been sending in.
His parents both signed their OK for their son to go overseas. This was on a new Govt form instead of the notes parents had been sending in.
Reginald married 1929 Mary Florence Edwards. He died 18.7.1964 in Victor Harbor Hospital. His wife had died 21 May 1954. Their only child Gillian had died age 13 in March 1954.
POVEY Frederick Albert SERN 4853 Pte 15/10th Batt and 5th Australian Flying Corps
Born in London Middlesex, c1876. Frederick was aged nearly 39, married and working in civilian life as a cabinet maker when he enlisted in November 1915. Living in Plympton. He was married to Susanna Elizabeth Morris in Shoreditch, London in 1896.
Served in Egypt and France. Wounded April 1917. Transferred 22.7.1917 to 29th Tng Sqd AFC. Returned 31.7.1918 medical discharge.
Died 17.7.1952 18 Albert Street, Edwardstown. Buried AIF WTC
PYMAN Albert Leslie SERN 5392 Driver 14/27th Batt
Born 28.7.1895 Wanderah SA Living South Rd Edwardstown with mother
Parents Albert Edward Pyman and Janet Lester nee Halliday
Had been apprenticed as a woodcarver at Pengelleys and in October 1913 he won against wrongful dismissal and not finalisation of apprenticeship. Court rules he had to be taken back by Pengelleys until Albert finished his apprenticeship in 1914. In 1914 he was working for Holdens
Enlisted 2.6.1916 had been a farrier and worked in Edwardstown.
Served in England and France. Embarked for Australia 1.4.1919.
Married Gertrude Jessie Richardson 1921.
He died 26.8.1962 Oaklands H.

Francis was born c1892 to Patrick Rattigan and Johanna (nee Sullivan)
He enlisted Nov 1914 at Oaklands with his brother Peter, so their Service Numbers were consecutive. Francis was younger by a year. In civilian life he was a striker. NOK was mother Johanna who was living at Pleasant Ave, Glandore.
Wounded in France 16.8.1916. Gunshot wounds. Nov 1916 was in England with trench feet. This condition affected many men in WW1 who were forced to stand in wet conditions for long periods. If not treated in time, gangrene could set in. June 1917 L/Cpl Rattigan was back in France serving with the 50th Batt. Within days he was being treated for scabies. The first illness Francis suffered was in Gallipoli, then when he was in North Africa.
Promoted to Temp Sgt 13 September 1917 - one month before he was KIA.
Killed in Action 17.10.1917 Belgium aged 25 years.
The only personal effect his mother received was the identity disc. She was living in Grosvenor St Glandore at that time - 1921
Buried Tyne Cot Cemetery Passchendaele, Flanders, Belgium

Sgt Francis Rattigan from Australian War Memorial Collection
RATTIGAN Peter SERN 1407 Pte 2nd Reinforcements 10th AIB

Photo of L/Cpl Peter Rattigan from Trove Newspapers Chronicle 22.9.1917 p28
Born 1890 to Patrick and Johanna (nee Sullivan) Rattigan.
Family living at Pleasant Avenue, Glandore with NOK being father Patrick.
Peter was nearly 24 and a glass beveller. The second son.
While on Gallipoli L/Cpl was admitted with a bullet to his right ear; gastro enteritis and dysentery.
North Africa he had diptheria.
Peter Rattigan was appointed Lance Corporal in August 1916 while fighting in France.
He was reported wounded and missing 22.8.1916 and after a Court of Enquiry 19.6.1917 it was reported as Killed in Action. Mrs Rattigan contacted the Army in November 1916 - she asked them to find out about her son Peter as his comrades had written to her, and all she knew was that he was missing as a telegram in Sept reporting their son was wounded was sent to Patrick Rattigan. His notice of death was in the July 1917 Adelaide newspapers, three months before his brother would be killed.
The brothers enlisted together. Sailed off together - neither to return home to their family.
Born Feb 1878 to Moses and Maria Read at Koolunga.
Fergus enlisted on the 4.1.1916 - SERN D292 4/3rd Pioneers based at Mitcham SA. but was discharged in June 1916 as medically unfit.
16 June 1916 Pte Read joined the Home Service until Dec 11 1916 - discharged as services no longer required. There was a court martial in August 1916?
The same day he was discharged, he again enlisted - this time in the Rabual Force,
January 1917 arrived to "D" Coy in the RABUAL FORCE where he served in Garrison Police until 11.4.1918. The Battle of Bita Paka was fought and won by the Australian forces over the Germans in 1914 - this having been called German New Guinea. The outpost of Rabual was kept by the Australians throughout WW1.

View of German wireless station at Bitapaka.
Read had been married to Ethel Maude Bayley nee Bawden since 1901. There were two children and his NOK was his wife living in Raglan Street Edwardstown.
1919 Fergus was licensee of the Launceston Hotel in the West end of Adelaide, which is now known as Grace Emily Hotel.
Fergus Alexander Read died 11.4. 1970. Port Willunga. Cremated at Centennial Park. His wife passed away 10 years earlier.
READ James SERN 64 Sgt Major/WO 9th Light Horse and Home Service
Born Adelaide Father William. Born c1863.v Carpenter Living Plympton Says he is 45 years old. Actually 51.
Served 10 years Light Horse, 2 years Active Service 14 yrs Field Artillery. Professional soldier for some time which is why he was able to get back into AIF at his age.
Enlisted Morphettville 21.9.1914. MEF Gallipoli 16.5.1915. Then Alexandria, Heliopolis, Seapeum,, Tel-el-kabir. Illness caused by war debility and enlargement of liver. Had illnesses including bronchitis and haemoroids. Medically discharged as he was deemed to be able to work 1/2 capacity. Discharged 3.12.1916 . July 1916 his age was said to be 54.
1/5/1918 he was employed as a Recruiting Sergeant.
Norman George Read child Sarah Selina nee Stowe. wife Dorothy Kate daughter
READ.—On June 5, at Adelaide Hospital,
Warrant Officer James Read (Dad) late 9th
Light Horse, A.I.F., also Second Contingent
S.A. Mounted Rifles and D Squadron Common-
wealth Horse, South African. War, A Battery.
S.A. Field Artillery, and 17th Australian Light
Horse. His duty nobly done.
Of Clarke Ave Plympton 2 daughters and five sons. Bd St Marys.
REES Richard Davey SERN 3623 Pte 9/5th Pioneer Batt
born 1891 in Marrabel to David Rees and Elizabeth Davey He was a single man and a cabinetmaker, and was living and working in Edwardstown when he enlisted 4.10.1916 Returned to AUst 1919 Married Florrie Chesson in 1920.

https://vwma.org.au/explore/people/92053 - courtesy Faithe Jones
Died 17.5. 1964 bd 1969 CP ag 72 She died 1987
Age 20 a labourer and living in Reynella. His mother was Mrs Ellen Regan of Cross Roads Clarence Park
Wounded GSW chest and arm - severe.
Brother was Mr E Regan at Remount Depot, Brighton, telephone Brighton 27.
ROGERS FAMILY Arthur age 19, George 23 and their father Edwin age 42
Age 19 Driver, of Plympton NOK Mother Mrs Edith Rogers, Melville St Plympton
Born Broken Hill New South Wales
Living in Plympton and was not married - age 19. Living with his mother Mrs Edith Rogers, Melville Street Plympton
Born Cornwall England
A miner by occupation living in Plympton.
Married age 42
NOK Wife, Mrs E Rogors, Plympton, South Australia
Born Sellicks Hill and was a blacksmith before he enlisted.age 23 when living in Aldinga.
NOK George's mother Mrs Emily Rogers of Plympton
Mother, Mrs. Emily Rogers, Plympton, South Australia
His father and brother also enlisted. See above
ROGERS WALTER JOHN SERN 4257 Pte 10th Batt query why here
Walter John Rogers was born in Penola 4.9.1889, to Martin Rogers and Agnes nee Frater.
Mr Rogers was a butcher in Kalangadoo South Australia - age 26 when he enlisted on 16.8.1915 in Adelaide. 50th IB His NOK was M Rogers - his father. Sept 1917 Mr Rogers had received notice that his son had been wounded - people he grew up with called him "Watty". He was very well regarded in Kalangadoo
26.6.1929 at Penola, Walter married Alexandrina Leslie Cameron.
In 1962 Walter Rogers died in Penola.
ROOS DANIEL EDWARD SERN 912 Pte 43rd Batt 'D'Coy
Enlisted 15.2.1916 at Adelaide. Born Camberwell, UK 1884 (10 siblings). living and working Edwardstown as a carpenter.
Died of wounds received in action - severe gun shot wound to his neck on the 28th January - Passed away 1st Casualty Clearing Station in France 29.1.1917 and Bd Bailleul Cemetery.
Born London and working as a carpenter in Edwardstown when he enlisted. He was age 31 and married to Minnie Hilda Welch in 1906 Camberwell, UK. Emigrated to SA in 1910. The couple had 5 sons. Daniel Edward jnr served WW2 George, Sydney, Leonard and John. (Sydney and John also served WW2).
ROWELL Joseph John SERN 9960 Drive 9th Engineers Field Co
There is an 1896 birth Dist Nairne of John Joseph Rowell, to William John Rowell and
Born Minarto Cof E Lab Price Street EDWARDSTOWN
Single age 18 NOK Mrs Annie Rowell of Price St driver
enlisted 16.8.1915
Married to Marjory Minna 1923.
SANDFORD Albert William SERN 738 C/Cpl 10th Aust Infantry Batt KIA

Enlisted 28.8.1914 and died 25.7.1916 in France.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Saturday 7 October 1916 p 44 Article Mrs Sandford received letter from her late son's comrade telling her that Albert had died heroically- rescuing a mate -a soldier in distress.
Memorial Villers-Bretonneux, Picardie France
SANDFORD Richard Henry, SERN 7072 Pte 10th AIF
Brother Richard Henry Sandford, Born 1888 to William and Kate Smith Sandford.
7072 Pte 10th Enlisted 24.10.1916 3 months after his younger brother was KIA.
Wounded in France in Sep 1917. He returned to Australia Dec 1918
NOK Mrs K Sandford Edward Street, Edwardstown.He was single and aged 28.
SAUNDERS Alfred Richard SERN 3877 Pte 32nd Batt
Enlisted 24.7.1916 at Adelaide. Served in England and France with the permission of his parents - his mother wrote the letter. July 22nd, Mrs Saunders said that her son was 18 on the 3rd July, 1916. Alfred Richard Saunders
Embarked 19.9.1916 from Sydney and disembarked Plymouth UK 14.11.1916.
Was ill with mumps January 1917 Fovant Wiltshire UK.
Pte Saunders was charged on a number of occasions during 1917 and 1918.and there was a General Court Martial in France for desertion (6 days) - he was found guilty and given sentence of 5 years 'penal servitude'. That was 9 September 1917. Suspension of sentence on 24th Sept 1917. Interestingly, there was a note in file in July 1917 "underage".
Was in and out of hospitals many times while overseas including for influenza in July 1917.
Pte Saunders returned to South Australia 12.5.1919.
Born 21.9.1899 at Prospect, the eldest of 10 children to Alfred Richard Saunders and Lillian Ann nee Talbot. So he was only 16 years and 10 months. His mother had written a complaint letter on Jan 1918 re court martial held mentioning the 'true' age of her son, even though she had previously lied on letter giving permission to join. She was more worried about the lack of or lessening of money her son would send to her as NOK. She said there were 10 children and husband ill and not worked for 2 years. Can see why he was allowed to join the AIF.
Alfred Died 6.3.1965 at the Daw Park Hospital.

STOLZ George Alexander SERN 1181 L/Cpl No 1 Australian Stationary Hospital KIA
George was born in 1886 in Hornsby, England and later that year he sailed with his parents and two sisters via Victoria. In the early 1890s, the family came to South Australia. Father George was born in Germany and was a printer, while his mother Sabina nee Walker was born in Yorkshire.
There were four other siblings born in Australia. Sadly in 1916 and 1917 George's parents died and it was left to the eldest sister Elizabeth to raise the family.
L/Cpl Stolz enlisted 6 October 1914 at Morphettville and sailed for Egypt.On the 17th April, 1915 he was promoted to L/Cpl while on Lemnos. It was here he contracted influenza. During August of that year he was in hospital on Lemnos, and again in October on Mudros.
George was discharged for duty on the 30th October, 1915 and went to the Gallipoli peninsula where he served at No 1 Aust hospital.

The hospital he was based in was shelled often. On the 3rd December 1915, one shell landed on the tent where L/Cpl Stolz was seated at a desk. He was killed instantly.
The Chaplain on the Peninsula buried L/Cpl Stolz, and one of two other Stolz brothers serving in the field was able to attend the funeral as Pte Ernest Stolz was with the 4th Field Ambulance.
George Stolz was the eldest child in the family but at age 28 was dead.
This photo shows a tent hospital Gallipoli Peninsula 1915 showing British and Australian unidentified men.
STOLZ Ernest Edward SERN 1091 Pte 4th Field Ambulance MM
Pte Stolz was the seventh child of George and Sabina Stolz. He was born 1.8. 1893 (Ernst Edward) at Goodwood West.
Enlisting 16 September 1914 when he was 21 years of age, and serving 4 years 138 Days.
When his brother was KIA, he was in the area and able to attend his brother's funeral.
Pte Stolz was awarded the Military Medal 15.12.17 1st Anzac for 'gallantry and devotion to duty during operations to the east of Ypres on October 15 1917. In the award it was said'he set a very fine example of pluck and endurance throughout the operations 12th to 20th October 1917.'
The bravery was while he was in charge of a stretcher bearer squad while under attack.
Discharged 31.1.19
Ernest married Clara Evelyn Bradley in 1921. He died in 1964 and buried at Centennial Park.
STOLZ Frederick Carl SERN 17 Lieut 32nd Batt.
Enlisted 1.7.1915 at Keswick. Born in Victoria 1891 to parents George and Sabina Stolz and brother to Ernest and George.
He was 24 and a civil servant. He was married
Frederick was a private when he joined the AIF but soon rose quickly through the ranks. By August of he was a Corporal, November L/Sgt, then Sgt and Sgt Major in Jun 1917. Jan and Feb 1918, he was attending No 4 Officers' Cadet School in England. Commissioned as a Lieutenant in 1918, he came home.
Lt Stolz did not have it all easy as the above seems to indicate. He was wounded - gunshot wounds to thighs and shoulder on 19.7.1916 while serving in France.
His appointment was terminated 29.6.1919 cessation of hostilities.
There is a Frederick Carl Stolz in WW2 records - RAAF 287410 posting at Area Finance Office. No other info but I assume he may have enlisted to serve in Australia as did his brother Robert.
STOLZ Robert Herman
Born 18.10.1895 to George and Sabina Stolz and brother to above.
Enlisted 8.9.17 in Adelaide with his sister E E Stolz as NOK as both parents deceased.
He said he had been rejected from joining prior due to 'weak heart'.
1918 he again tried to enlist - from Melbourne this time.
Robert was demobbed 24.12.1918. He died in 1996.
I would say that Robert Stolz had a very 'strong heart'. He wanted to do his bit for his country as his brothers had or were doing and he didn't let anything stop him, it seems - except the war ending.
Not only did he serve in WW1 but he, at age 45 years joined the Australian Army in 1942 - World War II. He was married with children and served in 9 Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps as a Lance Corporal. This meant he served with many other WW1 veterans at home, taking up duties so that the younger men would be free to serve overseas.
For mor information about the VDC and the many WWI men who joined, please see the following from Australian War Memorial Site.
Jane Grant Sweeney was single and aged 28, Her mother was Mrs J Sweeney of Glandore.
Jane enlisted 21.11.1914 as Staff nurse. There were 30 nurses from South Australia for the front in November 1914. In 1915 Sister Sweeney was at Adelaide railway station with a group of wounded soldiers. She and another nurse had cared for the men on their way home from the front in September 1915. She and the other nurse would then go back to Egypt in October of that year.
Awarded and promulgated 'London Gazette' No 31089 (31 December 1918). 'Commonwealth Gazette' No 61 (23 May 1919). Returned 2.5.1919
"Good lunch was put on by the local women. Miss Mollie Burns is secretary of the Red Cross, and FFCF units (50 members), and Mrs Alec Mallinson is president. I met her and her husband, who is ex-president of the RSL sub-branch. She was Sister Jane Sweeney when she sailed in November, 1914, with other Army Nursing Sisters in the first hospital ship (Kyarra), was at No 2 AGH at Mena House, then at Ismalia after the evacuation of Gallipoli, went to England. Was on duty at Abbeville, France and returned home in May 1919. Alec Mallinson was QMS of the 3rd AGH when he met his future wife at Abbeville.
Mrs Mallison (former Sister Sweeney) joined in the 24th Anzac parade in Adelaide when nearly 12,000 ex-servicemen and women came from all around the State and from Broken Hill to march to the Cross of Sacrifice."
Nurses in WW1
TAIT Charles McNicol SERN 2988 Pte 50th Batt
Charles was born in Dunedin, New Zealand in 1880 to Margaret nee Miller and Adam Dickson Tait.
He was married to Mrs Anne Adelaide Tait whose address was South Road, Edwardstown. There were three children and his civilian occupation was noted as Cook.
Charles was 35 when he enlisted 7.9.1916. He had already served 279 days and discharged medically unfit. Also enlisted 23.5.16 for home service until discharged at own request 31.8.1916.
When in England he attended a cooking school which then reported Pte Tait to be competent to superintend the cooking at army regular unit in August 1917.
France in 26.6.1918 he was wounded in action and returned home in January 1919.
Charles Tait died 12.8.1962 and was buried West Terrace Cemetery.
TANDY Robert William SERN 1424 Pte 50th Batt Died of Illness
Robert was born in 1888, Gloucester, England, to John Robert Tandy and Elizabeth nee Parker. The family emigrated from Liverpool, June 1911 with Robert's sister, her husband and child.
When he enlisted in November, 1914, they were living at New Street, Plympton. Served at Gallipoli, Alexandria, France.
Died of pneumonia in clearing station in France 26.1.1917. Suffered from Bronchitis for most of his time overseas.
Father John Tandy tried to enlist too but I think he was too old- born 1855
TAYLOR Rowland SERN 1383 Pte 16th Batt MM KIA
Roll of Honour born 1890 Manchester, England.
Enlisted Dec 1914 Oaklands He died on 16 April 1917 in France - and awarded the MM in May 1917.
Friend Mrs A J M Bailey C/- Avoca Hotel Edwardstown. He was a bit of a mystery, as he had come to Australia via WA and enlisted here. He lived with the Bailey family at the Hotel for about 18 months and had told them his parents were deceased as was his sister. There appears to be a sister who was alive and married and to whom the medals had to be sent.
Bd Grevillers British Cemetery Picardie France Born Manchester England and was 24 when he embarked. 5.5.1917 Chronicle article asked for NOK to contact them military commandant Keswick.
TWINING Percy SERN 2371 Pte 16th Aust Infantry Batt KIA

Born 31.12. 1893 to James and Harriet nee Smith.
NOK was his mother Harriet Twining, Eaton Street, Clarence Park (Redfern).
Percy had been working as a carpenter and enlisted at age 21, on 31st March 1915.
He served in Egypt until June 1916 when he was transferred to Marseilles in France.
Percy was serving in France when he was Killed in Action 11.4.1917 aged 23.
There were no belongings sent home to his mother, and there was no grave for him at
that time. He is commemorated at Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, Picardie, France.
UZZELL Elijah George SERN 5896 13th Aust Machine Gun Coy.
Elijah was a milkman aged 19 when he enlisted in Adelaide, October 1915. In August 1916 he transferred to No 13 Australian Machine Gun Company. Pte Uzzell was discharged in June 1919.
His mother was Elizabeth Jane Uzzell (nee Bishop) of Redfern and his father was Joel Uzzell.
Elijah was born in Goodwood West on the 28th July 1896, and married 28.2.1920 a Doris Irene Gully.
Sadly Elijah (known to his mother as George) died that same year, 7 months after his marriage.
He was acting as an assistant shunter at Mile End railyards when he slipped and fell between two trucks when trying to uncouple them. He was 24 years of age - 14.9.1920. So young and with so much to look forward - his daughter Gladys Una was born about 3 months after he died.
WATTS Claude Thomas SERN 124 Cpl 23/9 Batt
Enlisted October 1914 at Morphettville. Claude was aged 22 and born in Tauranga New Zealand. Civilian occupation was a miner. NOK was his sister, Miss Nina Watts, Auckland New Zealand
Served in Middle East, Gallipoli. Returned to Australia August 1916. Embarked for overseas in February 1917. March 1917 he was promoted to T/Cpl then wounded April 1917 GSW to left side.
Imp School of Instruction Zeitorin Egypt Sep 1917.Returned to Australia July 1919
March 1919 he was marched out to Cairo (Football)!
Confirmed Corporal in June 1919 and embarked for home in October 1919.
Married Ellen Mary Briggs in 1921 and died in 1969.
WHIGHT George SERN 5226 Pte 13 AASC Field Bakery
Enlisted 2.9.1914 Morphettville (George Phillip Wight with Nat, his father as NOK)
Stated that he had worked for 5 years at Whight's Bakery, Edwardstown.
Only 4 pages on this file. Divisional Ammunition Column Rfts as Driver.
Discharged 13.10.1914 in Melbourne.
No SERN no on file.
George enlisted in 16 November 1914 Keswick when he was 29 years of age. He was a single man who worked with his father as a baker. NOK in this says mother Anna. Born 1884 (George Phillip Whight) in NSW to parents Nathaniel Whight and Anna nee Wright.
Served with 13th AASC Field Bakery, 21st May 1915 joined MEF on Gallipoli. Month later 1st episode with stricture.
In 15 August 1915 George Embarked for Australia from hospital overseas for medical treatment. (Urethral Stricture) Discharged 4th MD November 1915.
He had been on Gallipoli and in May was in hospital in Helovan (he refused operation) and discharged 19.11.15. George Whight died in Victoria in 9.12.1927. 2nd son. Age 43 Father dcd. Bd Melbourne General Cemetery
There were two other brothers who had enlisted, while another brother Nat died a hero in 1913 when he ran into his burning home to try to save his parents - not knowing they had escaped the inferno. More - another brother was 'speared' by a shaft from the baker's cart in front of another brother - lad died of injuries.
WHIGHT.-Sacred to the memory of my dear
husband and children. Father, Nathaniel Whight,
who departed this life September 29, 1927, late of
Brighton, England; also second son of above,
George Phillip Whight died December 29, 1927. In-
terred Melbourne. Nathaniel Kavanagh Whight,
eldest son. lost his life entering our burning home
to save mother. He made the sacrifice supreme, De-
cember 21, 1918 Richard de Mant Whight, killed
In Moore-street, off Carrlngton-street, Adelaide, July
14, 1920. Thomas Saunders Whight accidentally
killed at Kent Town, September 3, 1910. Violet
Adelaide Whight, called home January 11, 1918.
Ivy Newman (nee Whight), beloved wife of J.
Newman, called home. July 12, 1922. Interred at
Buninyong, near Ballarat, Victoria. Also Phillip
Saunders, great-uncle of above, late of Deadham,
England. Interred Buninyong, Victoria. July
12, 1857. Mary Whight, aunt of above. Interred
Buninyong, Victoria September 8, 1858. Also
dear little ones, Violet, late of Sutherland, Sydney;
Hector Duchies Whight. Myrtle, and dear grandma
Mary Warnock, departed this life March 24, 1915.
Interred Adelaide. An alter of remembrance. In-
serted by their loved ones.
It Is not the tears at the moment shed,
When the turf Is but newly laid o'er them;
Can tell how beloved was the souls that have fled.
And how deep In our hearts we mourn them.
Home papers please copy.
On Active Service.
WHIGHT Richard Dement SERN S11581
Born 1888 Kogarah NSW brother to George and Sydney (see above and below).
Enlisted 26.4.1917 He was also a baker as his brothers and father. Sent to Mitcham Camp.
Discharged 28 Jun 1917 medically unfit for service.
Had previously enlisted under name Richard Reginald DeMont in Aug 1915. Discharged as medically unfit. Died July 14th 1920 Adelaide after being assaulted by 3 men who were charged with manslaughter ..one man sentenced to 12 months imprisonment. RIP Richard Demont Whight
WHIGHT Sydney Harold SERN 8267 Pte 1st Aust Vet Evac Stn
Brother of George (George Phillip Whight) and born in NSW 1886. Also a baker working with his father Nathaniel (mother Anna ) Living at Edwardstown.
Enlisted August 1915 Base Depot Field Bakery.
14.11.1916 Transferred from 2nd Field Bakery. Disembarked Marseilles from Middle East.
In France was transferred to ADVS from 19th Coy A S C. Sydney had few problems with authority in France as he kept going AWOL.
Discharged 18.4.1919 4th MD. Served 3 years 317 days
Died 1931 Redfern NSW
WHITE B W Sern 3047 2831 Pte 10/12th Batt
there is a Gabriel William e 3047 has foster mother Hepzibah E Wright of Glenelg enlisted July 14 1915 Served Mudros, Alexandria, France. Wounded August 1916 Outreaux. Also suffered from gas poisoning May 1918. Sent home for medical reasons.
May 1918 home Single age 30 born 1884 to Mary Ann White Yankalilla
June 1966 Cheltenham
WHITROD Ernest Edward SERN 3677 Sapper 2nd F S Engineers 33/9th
Spr Whitrod served in Egypt after enlisting in October 1917 and embarked for home in
July 1919. He was born 1895 to Richard James and Frances (Fanny) nee Childs. Younger brother to Stanley (see below). Before he enlisted he was working as a driver and was living in Jervois Street, Vermont. Ernest and Stanley were the two eldest of 7 children.
Ernest married 5.2.1918 Olive Beatrice nee Pedlar who lived in Glandore.
Died in 1968.
Born Adelaide 4.7.1893 and enlisted 2.2.1916. His parents were Richard James and Fanny
Elizabeth nee Childs and they were living Jervois Street, Plympton. Older brother
of Ernest Edward (see above) and they were the two eldest children of the family.
Pte Whitrod served in France and was wounded in action. It was a gunshot wound to his hand in June 1918. He returned home in January 1919.
Stanley married 27.10.1919 a Priscilla Victoria Blanche Langley.
He died 12.8.1939 as a result of an accident when he fell from his bicycle whilst on holiday at Tooperang. Stanley was the father of two sons.
Born Goodwood 1895 to Robert Wight and Elizabeth Amy Stannell - was a cabinet maker living in Edwardstown with his mother, Mrs Elizabeth Amy Wight of Price Street, Edwardstown. Enlisted 12.5.1916 and returned in May 1919. Alick had been apprenticed at Pengelleys on South Road and living nearby in the same street as many other young men who had or would go off to war.
Pte Wight served in France and was invalided home after influenza and conjunctivitis.
Married 1926 Elsie Evelyn Boyley and died in 1955.
WOTZKO FRANCIS SERN 773 Driver 15th Batt 5th Field Artillery
Francis was born 26.8.1884 Hoyleton to Christian and Johanna Eleonor nee Bender. He was the youngest son.
When he enlisted 23.11.1914 at Oaklands, he was 30 years of age, a mason's labourer with three children and one more on the way. The family lived in William Street, Black Forest. His wife whom he married in 1909 was Ada Phoebe Lillian nee Champion. Pte Wotzko was serving in Gallipoli in August 1915. He was ill many times while in Egypt. March 1918 he was mustered as Driver and served in France until the end of 1918 as he left to come back to Australia on the 2nd January 1919.
WW2 Francis Wotzko enlisted twice - second time S212837 and he served until 1942 in 9th Field Bakery.
WRAGG Louis SERN 498/1221 SPR 6/3rd Field Engineers.
Louis was born in 1884 Nottingham England where he served a 7 year apprenticeship as a carpenter.
He enlisted 28.11.1914 at Oaklands when he and his family were living at 22 Nairne Tce, Forestville.
May 1915 serving with the 6th Reinforcements 3rd Field Coy Engineers. It was in October 1915 when he was taken on strength in Gallipoli.
In March 1916 was hospitalised with TB caused by infection and exacerbated by extreme exposure on Anzac,and the end of that year had been given a medical discharge and returned to Australia..
Sapper Louis Wragg died on the 6th May 1957 and his wife two days later, both from Westbourne Park.
Born 29.6.1883 Houghton to Thomas Joseph and Mary Ann (Nee Young) Edwards.
A bricklayer, and living Hutt St Adelaide when he enlisted 7.9.1914 at Morphettville.
Nok was his wife Jane nee Powell, whom he had married in Broken Hill in 1905.
In hospital with thrombosis for over 100 days from October 1915.
Wounded twice while serving in France. On the 4th June, 1918, but he continued fighting, then again on the 10th June 1918 and on this occasion he was invalided to the UK. Feb 1917 he had influenza.
Promoted to Corporal while serving in Dardenelles in June 1915. To Sgt 4 months later.
Embarked for Australia in October 1918 discharge 1919. Sgt Gilbert Edwards died in 1943.
His younger brother Peter also served and was KIA see below.
Thank you for ensuring that some of history has been kept alive for future generations. Good work.
ReplyDeleteGlenn ANGUS